Land area required to generate electricity

Bonne Posma, engineer, Founder and CEO, Saminco (USA) specializing in electric propulsion systems for off-road vehicles and underground mining conveyances with operations in China, South Africa and USA, principal shareholder in Liquid Coal, Inc. (USA). Comments by John Droz, physicist, Jon Boone, wind energy expert, Eric Jelinski nuclear and wind energy expert: Newly elected leaders in South Africa are changing the energy plan now aiming to use massive amounts of wind and solar energy instead of additional nuclear power. South Africa is unique in the world in having outstanding experience with nuclear power and production of radioisotopes for nuclear medicine. it has some of the world's top experts in nuclear energy. This paper discusses the technical consequences of using wind and solar instead of nuclear. South Africa will squander the expertise they have that can help all of Africa. Political and business lobbying with elected officials will have terrible consequences, when elected officials don't care to understand the technologies they are deciding on.