Germany - Views on energy, immigration, government

A lengthy drought in Europe exposed carved boulders known as hunger stones that have been used for centuries to commemorate historic droughts and warn of their consequences. The Associated Press reports that hunger stones are newly visible in the Elbe River in 2018 which begins in the Czech Republic and flows through Germany. Over a dozen of the hunger stones chosen to record low water levels can now be seen in and near the northern Czech town of Decin near the German border. On one of the stones on the banks of the Elbe is carved with the words, "Wenn du mich siehst dann weine." 'If you see me weep.' The stone is also chiseled with the years of hardship and the initials of authors lost to history. It expressed that drought had brought a bad harvest, lack of food, high prices, and hunger for poor people. Before 1900 the following droughts are commemorated on the stone 1417, 1616, 1707, 1746, 1790, 1800, 1811, 1830, 1842, 1868, 1892, and 1893. Carbon dioxide from fossil fuels will not cause catastrophes like nature does.
D.K., a German citizen, speaks out against long standing, unsound energy and immigrant policies that are tearing apart the Wirtschaftswunder or Miracle on the Rhine that German citizens worked so hard for since the 1950s.