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USA - Importance of Americas 2020 election

John Shanahan
Photo of New York City after the September 11 2001 suicide attacks by radical Islamists from Saudi Arabia. They commandeered four commercial airliners and killed all the passengers people in the Twin Towers and Pentagon and themselves. The most heinous crime against America by a few individuals. Lights shine where the two World Trade Center buildings were destroyed. America is involved in many political and economic conflicts and open wars. We have strong and determined enemies. One conflict is about energy fossil fuels and nuclear versus wind and solar. Another conflict is about government. Should it be big and pretending to solve everyones problems Or should it be small and encourage freedom for everyone to take care and be responsibile for themselves with safety nets for those that dont make it The 2020 election has tremendous consequences.

John Shanahan, civil engineer, editor The American 2020 election in November will have perhaps the biggest consequences of any election in its history. CHOICE ONE: huge, even one-world government, where a few ideologues opposed to rules for a Republic established by the Founding Fathers pretend to solve all the country's energy, economic and social problems. CHOICE TWO: small government with maximum freedom for all. The choices are crystal clear and will take the United States either to a beautiful place with plentiful energy and prosperity or to where everyone is dependent on the government in a miserable economy. Wind and solar energy or fossil fuels and nuclear power. Don't decide on the personalities of the individual candidates. Decide on what they will deliver for you and our country.