- Article Authors:
Mark Jacobson
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As of February 2017, Mark Jacobson is listed as being in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Stanford University. He talks about the problems of man-made global warming from fossil fuels and how wind and solar energy can provide 100 % of electrical energy needs in the United States. Many people recognize that wind and solar are extremely low energy density compare to nuclear, highly unpredictable in energy output and have times when they don't provide energy at all. What if the United States adopted his plan? What would that do for the man-made climate change he talks about? What would the rest of the world do, go wind and solar, stick with fossil fuels, go nuclear? What has James Lovelock said recently about man-made global warming, wind energy and nuclear? See his position in other articles on this website.
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James Leonard
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Jim Leonard, mechanical engineer, educator: The United States has been a leader in world peace and economic growth for a long time. It has made mistakes that should be acknowledged and corrected. Starting in 2017, the President has made it very clear that he considers himself and his policies better than many citizens and nations. This is a unique situation in the history of the United States and has upset relations with many countries and people around the world. This article concisely describes the situation and suggests what should be done. Nuclear power requires political leadership, a well run economy, good schools and universities. The United States has a lot of improvement to do. It won't happen with a president acting with little regard for most of the rest of the government, a very large percent of its citizens and disrespect for other countries.
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Greg Walcher
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Greg Walcher has been deeply involved in forest management and other natural resource policy issues for decades. In this article, he assesses the current sad state of our national forests – and the policies that too often make the situation even worse – and asks a simple question: Are we willing to do anything to improve our forests and wildlife habitats, and in the process perhaps address climate change, except the one thing that might help the most? It’s a question that deserves some serious thought and robust debate.
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Albert Koehler
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Der Mensch nutzt seit Beginn der Industrialisierung unzählige Maschinen und Vorgänge, die einen besseren Lebensstandard und eine immer umfangreichere Produktion und eine schnelle grenzenlose Beweglichkeit zu verleihen. Der Antrieb aller Technik ist das Umformen von chemischer Energie (Öl, Kohle, Gas) in andere Energieformen nach den Gesetzen der Thermodynamik.
Solch ein Ablauf erfordert einen Bereich höherer und einen niedrigerer Temperatur. Je grösser deren Unterschied umso grösser der Wirkungsgrad des Prozesses.
Eine detaillierte Quantifizierung, die nicht einfach gefunden werden kann, könnte das relative Ausmass dieser Erwärmung erkennbarer machen, aber die hier dargestellte qualitative Betrachtung (qualitativ wie der vermutete, Einfluss des CO2) ist ein physikalisches naturgegebenes Faktum.
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John Shanahan
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The main article in this issue is the World Report Card on Climate, Fossil Fuels, Nuclear, and Related Government Policies.
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Richard McPhersson
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Richard McPherson, electrical power and grid security expert He is pursuing executable humanitarian solutions under the nexus of agriculture, water and energy: Reportedly Americans are fully employed; yet the interest-bearing national debt is $22.5 trillion and increasing. In 2018, total United States (US) trade with other countries was $5.6 trillion. US exported $2.5 trillion and imported $3.1 trillion. A difference of just $0.5 trillion. Not much of a difference to reduce the increasing interest-bearing national debt. Supposedly there are no more Americans available to join the workforce. Or are there? In 2018, according to the Labor Department 95 million Americans were “not in the labor force”. At the same time, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported low labor force participation was causing a lower gross domestic product (GDP) and lower tax revenues. The lower labor force also causes increased demands on taxpayer dollars from federal support programs. What now?
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USA Australia UK India
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To say that the Earth is a human planet becomes truer every day. Humans are made from the Earth, and the Earth is remade by human hands. Many earth scientists express this by stating that the Earth has entered a new geological epoch: the Anthropocene, the Age of Humans.
As scholars, scientists, campaigners, and citizens, we write with the conviction that knowledge and technology, applied with wisdom, might allow for a good, or even great, Anthropocene. A good Anthropocene demands that humans use their growing social, economic, and technological powers to make life better for people, stabilize the climate, and protect the natural world.
- Article Authors:
Chris Manuell and John Shanahan
- Article Countries:
UK and USA
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Half the people on Earth live in warmer climates - the blue circle on the map below. So do most corals, marine life, plants, trees, insects, birds, and animals. A little warming in colder regions of the planet is beneficial. These warmer regions have lived more peacefully for thousands of years than people in the colder regions. Humanity must not be forced to take the climate alarmist pronouncements of European and North Americans, their royalty, politicians, behind the scenes manipulators, and bankers.
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Calvin Beisner
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Cornwall Alliance
Calvin Beisner, Cornwall Alliance: Opponents of fossil fuel-fired electricity generation play the role of those who would demand banning aspirin. They’re focusing on its comparatively minor risks and ignoring both its tremendous benefits and the ready ways to minimize its risks.
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Saltbush Club, Viv Forbes
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Viv Forbes, Executive Director of the Saltbush Club which opposes the war on carbon energy, opposes real pollution, and promotes the rational and sustainable use of carbon energy and carbon food. The Greens in Australia work to close a coal mine because it may disturb some birds. The same Greens support wind turbines that grind up precious wedge-tail eagles, falcons, kites, hawks and other birds as well as uncounted bats. As long as Democracies allow extreme Green policies to rule the energy sector, the free world will fall to dictator governments.
- Article Authors:
Douglas Lightfoot
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Douglas Lightfoot, Mechanical Engineer, Founder, Lightfoot Institute, http://www.thelightfootinstitute.ca: The scientific evidence used in this study is robust and comes together from many reliable sources. Evidence is connected in new and innovative ways to expand and clarify the overall picture of climate change as experienced by the Earth and its inhabitants. Because of this, significant parts of the evidence and how it is used will be new and unfamiliar to many scientists. Nevertheless, the results and conclusions of this study are important to the wellbeing of everyone on Earth.
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Vijay Jayaraj
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Climate change frequently dominates media coverage and political discourse. Why wouldn’t it when those advancing the apocalyptic agenda speak in terms of saving the planet? The state of the climate is nothing if not an “existential threat,” or so it is said.
Not only do climate enthusiasts refuse to acknowledge the issue of ongoing energy poverty for billions of people across the world, but they promote policies that exacerbate lack of access to affordable, reliable electricity. The socio-economic conditions of energy poverty, which can only be worsened by the forced replacement of fossil fuels with wind and solar, contribute to higher rates of both morbidity and mortality.
- Article Authors:
Michael Shellenberger
- Article Countries:
USA - World
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- Publisher:
environmentalprogress.org Environmental Progress
Many friends and family disagree with this article. Others strongly agree with it. Michael Shellenberger is an outstanding student, analyst, and speaker / author of key topics about humanity, government, energy, and the environment. He deserves praise for all of his work and for his honesty in changing positions as he learns more.
- Article Authors:
Peter Kotecki
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Business Insider
Bill Gates has a clear vision of a better world through working together for peace, prosperity, plentiful energy, good education, strong economies and respect for the environment. This requires advanced nuclear power technologies which he is spending billions of his hard earned fortune on to develop. Will the politicians and regulators stop holding nuclear back?
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Alarn Waltar
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Book Brief: Alan Waltar, "AMERICA THE POWERLESS." This is an excellent book that is still in print. We encourage people everywhere to read it. There are four cases for nuclear power today:
1) countries going ahead with plentiful new nuclear power plants
2) countries operating nuclear power plants but not adding many more
3) countries getting out of nuclear power
4) countries that don't have nuclear power yet
Reading this book is important to people everywhere.
- Article Authors:
Roger A. Pielke Sr
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Roger A. Pielke, Sr., Emeritus Professor of Atmospheric Science at Colorado State University. Served as Chairman and Member of the American Meteorological Society Committee on Weather Forecasting and Analysis, as Chief Editor of Monthly Weather Review, Fellow of the American Meteorological Society. Humans are significantly altering the global climate, but in a variety of diverse ways beyond the radiative effect of CO2.
- Article Authors:
Viv Forbes
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Saltbush Club
Viv Forbes, Executive Director of the Saltbush Club which opposes the war on carbon energy, opposes real pollution, and promotes the rational and sustainable use of carbon energy and carbon food: Australia is a land of deserts, droughts, floods, bushfires, flammable forests and fire-prone grasslands – these conditions have developed since the start of the Holocene Warm Era about twelve thousand years ago. All previous Australian bushies recognised the key principle of fire management in Australia – you can have many small managed “cool” fires in early spring or a few unplanned disastrous “hot” fires consuming a heavy fuel load in hot dry winds in late spring.