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Electricity explains the world

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2020
  • Publisher:

Meredith Angwin, Physical Chemist, Naturalist, Educator, Robert Bryce, author of “Smaller Faster Lighter Denser Cheaper,” and many other books and articles about energy : The modern world depends on a few essential networks: telephone, GPS, and of course, the World Wide Web. And all of those networks rely on the mother network: the electric grid. In Shorting the Grid, Meredith Angwin provides an enormously valuable, clear, and succinct explanation of our most important network. She shows how it works, why it’s vulnerable, and why we should be concerned about what she lyrically calls the "angelic miracle of the power grid.”

Energie renouvelables et l'environnement

  • Article Countries: France
  • Article Year: 2018

Michael Shellenberger, Environmental Progress: • En Allemagne, selon les Amis de la Terre (BUND), de nouvelles éoliennes offshore pourraient « conduire à l’extinction d’espèces individuelles », y compris le marsouin, rare et menacé. • En Amérique du Nord, les populations de chauves-souris migratrices pourraient disparaître, selon les scientifiques, si l’expansion de l’énergie éolienne se poursuit. Une seule ferme solaire californienne, Ivanpah, a nécessité le massacre de centaines de tortues du désert, et tue chaque année 6 000 oiseaux en les brûlant en vol. Vous pensez peut-être que ces impacts sont minimes par rapport à d’autres menaces ? Après tout, les chats domestiques tuent entre un et quatre milliards d’oiseaux par an aux États-Unis.

Energiewende oder schutz der natur Deutsch, German

  • Article Countries: Germany
  • Article Year: 2017
  • Publisher: Kalte Sonne

Fritz Vahrenholt, PhD Chemistry: Is the program in Germany to stop using nuclear power and switch to wind and solar energy more important than nature itself? BaZ: Sie haben die deutsche Energiewende als «Desaster» bezeichnet. Wieso? Fritz Vahrenholt: Zunächst einmal hat die deutsche Regierung nach dem Tsunami in Japan innerhalb eines Wochenendes entschieden, auf die Kernenergie zu verzichten, die bis dahin die Grundlast für die deutsche Industrie erzeugt hat. Die Regierung will seither diese gesicherte Energie durch schwankenden Strom aus Sonne und Wind ersetzen. Dass das nicht vernünftig ist, weiss eigentlich jeder.

Energiewende sticks it to the poor in Germany

  • Article Countries: Germany
  • Article Year: 2016
  • Publisher: The American Interest

The American Interest: Germany’s much-ballyhooed green energy transition—its energiewende—has run up quite a tab, and policymakers are having trouble figuring out who is actually going to pay for the policies. In an attempt to kick-start fledgling renewable energy sources like wind and solar power, Berlin guaranteed producers locked-in, long-term, above-market rates called feed-in tariffs. To their credit, this plan of pushing technologies of dubious merit at any cost worked, perhaps too well

Energy and Mankind Part 1

  • Article Countries: UK
  • Article Year: 2014

Link: Euan Mearns was born in India in October 1957 during the waning years of British colonialism. He returned to Scotland, earned a PhD in geology and owned a isotope geochemistry analysis and consulting business for the oil and gas industry. His real passion is to try to understand the various components of how The Earth energy system works and to educate politicians and the public on Energy Matters. He is an Honorary Research Fellow at The University of Aberdeen.

Energy and Mankind Part 2

  • Article Countries: UK
  • Article Year: 2014

Link: Euan Mearns was born in India in October 1957 during the waning years of British colonialism. He returned to Scotland, earned a PhD in geology and owned a isotope geochemistry analysis and consulting business for the oil and gas industry. His real passion is to try to understand the various components of how The Earth energy system works and to educate politicians and the public on Energy Matters. He is an Honorary Research Fellow at The University of Aberdeen.

Energy and Mankind Part 3

  • Article Countries: UK
  • Article Year: 2014
  • Publisher:

Link: Euan Mearns was born in India in October 1957 during the waning years of British colonialism. He returned to Scotland, earned a PhD in geology and owned a isotope geochemistry analysis and consulting business for the oil and gas industry. His real passion is to try to understand the various components of how The Earth Energy System works and to educate politicians and the public on Energy Matters.

Energy for the foreseeable future

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2016
  • Publisher: SEPP

S. Fred Singer, professor emeritus at the University of Virginia and director of the Science and Environmental Policy Project. Gerald E. Marsh, a retired physicist from Argonne National Laboratory - Many people believe that wind and solar energy are essential for replacing nonrenewable fossil fuels. They also believe that wind and solar are unique in providing energy that’s carbon-free and inexhaustible. A closer look shows that such beliefs are based on illusions and wishful thinking.

Energy Mix - status July 2022

  • Article Countries: World
  • Article Year: 2022
  • Publisher:

Energy poverty versus renewable energy

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2015
  • Publisher: Cornwall Alliance

Calvin Beisner, Cornwall Energy Alliance: This article clearly explains the importance of fossil fuels for people around the world, especially for those outside the First World without sufficient, reliable electrical energy and for those in the First World who can't afford to pay winter utility bills, because of politically mandated, very costly, unreliable wind and solar generated electricity.

Energy Poverty: The Deadly Side of Renewable Energy

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2015
  • Publisher: Cornwall Alliance

The Cornwall Alliance, led by E. Calvin Beisner, focuses on genuine energy needs to improve standards of living for humanity and protect the environment. Many so-called environmental organizations claim to be working for humanity and the environment, but actually are pursuing special agendas that can hurt mankind and the environment.

Energy problems in Europe - Let’s talk electricity

  • Article Countries: Switzerland - Europe
  • Article Year: 2022
  • Publisher:

Alexander Stahel is a Zug, Switzerland-based commodities investor. On September 8, he posted a long thread on Twitter about Europe’s electric sector. It was excellent: comprehensive, had good graphics, and reflected a deep understanding of the crisis that has engulfed Europe. Much of that thread was used in a report that Stahel did in a report for the Global Warming Policy Foundation called “The Crisis of The European Energy System.” In this episode, he explained why Europe is facing years of electricity shortages, France’s mismanagement of its nuclear fleet, why Italy is in particularly bad shape, and the long history of anti-nuclear sentiment on the continent.

Energy resources

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2018
  • Publisher: National Academy of Sciences

King Hubber: This is a summary of natural energy resources about fossil fuels, hydro, wind, solar, and nuclear dated 1962.

Energy return on investment - all forms

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2018

Gary Young, mechanical engineer, major product development manager - Before retirement, he worked on product development that significantly contributed to profitability of a global technology company: How do solar, wind, hydro, fossil fuels and nuclear compare for energy return on investment? What will happen if the United States does not continue with a second generation of nuclear power plants?

Energy transition from the abyss

  • Article Countries: Germany
  • Article Year: 2019
  • Publisher: Kalte Sonne

Fritz Vahrenholt, PhD Chemistry, Chairman, German Wildlife Foundation: But the beautiful new world of Gretl, Annalena and Robert has its price. The authors anticipated a 60% CO2 reduction, which is expected to be achieved by 2030. By then, that will cost 4300 billion in 11 years. So that the parents of Fridays for the Future understand the 4600 billion correctly: that is 153 billion per year; at 40 million households in Germany each household pays 320 € per month monthly - net. And if it goes to Gretl and her followers, namely in 15 years to achieve 100% renewable energy, then that would be 640 € a month - if it does not sooner come to a collapse of the German energy supply, which is very likely.

Energy transition more important than protection of nature

  • Article Countries: Germany
  • Article Year: 2018
  • Publisher: Kalte Sonne

Fritz Vahrenholt, PhD Chemistry, Chairman, German Wildlife Foundation: You have called the German energy transition a "disaster". How so? Fritz Vahrenholt : First of all, after the tsunami in Japan, the German government decided within a weekend to renounce nuclear energy, which until then had created the base load for German industry. Since then, the government wants to replace this secure energy with fluctuating electricity from sun and wind. Everyone knows that this is not sensible.