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Articles on Contrepoints - 2014

  • Article Countries: France
  • Article Year: 2014

Michel Gay, l'Association des écologistes pour le nucléaire (AEPN): This is an excellent collection of articles by Michel Gay in 2015 on nuclear energy and fossil fuels and related topics.

Articles on Contrepoints - 2015

  • Article Countries: France
  • Article Year: 2015

Michel Gay, l'Association des écologistes pour le nucléaire (AEPN): This is an excellent collection of articles by Michel Gay in 2014 on nuclear energy and fossil fuels and related topics.

Articles on Contrepoints - 2016

  • Article Countries: France
  • Article Year: 2016

Michel Gay, l'Association des écologistes pour le nucléaire (AEPN): This is an excellent collection of articles by Michel Gay in 2016 on nuclear energy and fossil fuels and related topics.

Articles on Contrepoints - 2017

  • Article Countries: France
  • Article Year: 2017

Michel Gay, l'Association des écologistes pour le nucléaire (AEPN): This is an excellent collection of articles by Michel Gay in 2017 on nuclear energy and fossil fuels and related topics.

Articles on Contrepoints - 2018

  • Article Countries: France
  • Article Year: 2018

Michel Gay, l'Association des écologistes pour le nucléaire (AEPN): This is an excellent collection of articles by Michel Gay in 2018 on nuclear energy and fossil fuels and related topics.

Articles on Contrepoints - 2019

  • Article Countries: France
  • Article Year: 2019

Michel Gay, l'Association des écologistes pour le nucléaire (AEPN): This is an excellent collection of articles by Michel Gay in 2019 on nuclear energy and fossil fuels and related topics.

Asking the wrong question - A fools errand

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2022
  • Publisher:

Imagine a large room with perfectly insulating walls. The room contains chairs, tables, books, sheets of paper, pitchers and glasses of water, some flowering plants, and so forth. Now comes the question:

“If we add some heat (say 1 MJ) to the room, how much does the temperature rise?”

“If we add a certain heat flux (say 1 W/m2) all over the surface of the earth, how much would the temperature rise? So many assumptions are involved that the calculated temperature rise can be pretty much anything. Start programming your supercomputer!

Now turn that unanswerable question around and ask an answerable question: “If the temperature of the surface rises by (say) 1ºC, how much more IR does it emit?”

Australia - Adani Double Standards

  • Article Countries: Australia
  • Article Year: 2019

Viv Forbes, Executive Director of the Saltbush Club which opposes the war on carbon energy, opposes real pollution, and promotes the rational and sustainable use of carbon energy and carbon food. The Greens in Australia work to close a coal mine because it may disturb some birds. The same Greens support wind turbines that grind up precious wedge-tail eagles, falcons, kites, hawks and other birds as well as uncounted bats. As long as Democracies allow extreme Green policies to rule the energy sector, the free world will fall to dictator governments.

Australia - Back to the Medieval Green World

  • Article Countries: Australia
  • Article Year: 2019
  • Publisher: Saltbush Club

Viv Forbes, Executive Director of the Saltbush Club which opposes the war on carbon energy, opposes real pollution, and promotes the rational and sustainable use of carbon energy and carbon food. Greens dream of a zero-emissions world without coal, oil and natural gas. They need to think what they wish for.

Australia - Freezing in Green Heaven

  • Article Countries: Australia
  • Article Year: 2019
  • Publisher: Saltbush Club

Viv Forbes, Executive Director of the Saltbush Club which opposes the war on carbon energy, opposes real pollution, and promotes the rational and sustainable use of carbon energy and carbon food. Poem dedicated to extreme green wind and solar energy programs.

Australia - The greatest generation versus the greenest

  • Article Countries: Australia
  • Article Year: 2019
  • Publisher: Saltbush Club

Viv Forbes, Executive Director of The Saltbush Club, Australia: The Great Generation created our present world and left many useful assets as their monuments. The Green Generation is destroying our future. The way things are heading, the lasting monuments to the Green Generation will be the skeletons of abandoned solar “farms” overgrown by lantana scrub, the concrete foundations of bankrupt wind “farms”, and spider-webs of useless sagging transmission lines and towers.

Australias giant green gamble on solar energy toys

  • Article Countries: Australia
  • Article Year: 2022
  • Publisher: Saltbush Club

By the time solar energy reaches Earth’s surface it is spread very thin – even midday sunshine will not boil the billy or make toast. And solar collectors will only convert about 20% of that weak energy into electricity. Thus thousands of solar panels are needed to collect significant energy, and lots more to charge the expensive batteries needed to maintain electricity supply overnight and during cloudy weather. Despite these disadvantages, force-feeding of “green” energy by all levels of government has given Australia nearly three million solar collectors (mainly imported from China).


  • Article Countries: Mexico
  • Article Year: 2016

Edgar Ocampo Tellez: • Decir que las fuentes renovables de energía son inagotables es falso: tienen limitantes técnicas, físicas, y problemas de intermitencia. • El aumento exponencial de consumo de energía es muy reciente. Surge después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En los últimos ocho mil años la humanidad estuvo conformada por menos de 300 millones de habitantes, pero hoy somos siete mil millones. El potencial renovable de nuestro territorio es de 44 terawatts de energía hidráulica, 87 de eólica, 200 de solar y 52 de geotérmica; en total, 400 terawatts hora anuales; pero nos faltarían 600 más. “Ése es el predicamento en el que se encuentra el modelo energético mexicano, y no es de fácil solución”.

Bad COVID and Energy Policies

  • Article Countries: Canada - France - UK - USA
  • Article Year: 2022

Governments around the world responded to the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. Some responses were more for the benefit of certain pharmaceutical companies rather than searching everywhere for the best solutions with the lowest risk to the public. Two groups were very seriously and improperly impacted, but not by the virus. Those groups are the global economy, and people dependent on jobs to pay essential bills. This article is a conversation among professionals in many fields outside of medicine itself. The authors are in North America and Europe.

Batteries - Some amusing descriptions with some good information

  • Article Countries: World
  • Article Year: 2020

When the crowd settled down, a scholarly-looking man walked out and put his hand on the shiny block, “Good evening,” he said, “I am here to introduce NMC532-X.” “We call him NM for short.” “NM is a typical electric vehicle (EV) car battery in every way except one; we programmed him to send signals of the internal movements of his electrons when charging, discharging, and in several other conditions. We wanted to know what it feels like to be a battery. We don’t know how it happened, but NM began to talk after we downloaded the program.

This fictional story includes a three minute video that will amaze you about how electric vehicle batteries, solar panels and wind turbines are made.

Before you save the planet save the people

  • Article Countries: India
  • Article Year: 2022
  • Publisher:

Climate change frequently dominates media coverage and political discourse. Why wouldn’t it when those advancing the apocalyptic agenda speak in terms of saving the planet? The state of the climate is nothing if not an “existential threat,” or so it is said.

Not only do climate enthusiasts refuse to acknowledge the issue of ongoing energy poverty for billions of people across the world, but they promote policies that exacerbate lack of access to affordable, reliable electricity. The socio-economic conditions of energy poverty, which can only be worsened by the forced replacement of fossil fuels with wind and solar, contribute to higher rates of both morbidity and mortality.


  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2022
  • Publisher: Heartland Institute

Divesting in crude oil supplies that provides products and fuels for continuously increasing demands by consumers, guarantees shortages and inflation on society.

The only good thing about solar power is that it would ground Air Force One!

Yes, the cost of crude oil is the main driving force for fuel prices, BUT Biden’s “we are going to get rid of fossil fuels” is driving up the cost of crude!

Biden often cites the Russia-Ukraine War, and the loss of a few percent of Russian crude as the cause of fuel prices rising, BUT Biden continues to do everything possible to rid all crude oil from society.

Under Biden’s goal and actions to restrict the supply of oil to be manufactured, while demand is increasing for the products manufactured from crude oil, refineries are SUPPOSED to be making outlandish profits!

Refineries only manufacture crude oil into derivatives that make products for the increasing demands for fuels and products by society. Besides the more than 6,000 products enjoyed by wealthy countries, the fuels that are manufactured to meet the growing demands to operate the 50,000 jets and 50,000 merchant ships and space program.

Society demands are increasing concurrently with Biden restricting the supply of crude oil to manufacture. As simple as 1+1=2, when you have growing demands for the products manufactured from crude oil and restrict the supply to manufacture those products, Biden is guaranteeing shortage and inflation on whatever is manufactured!