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Nuclear Power Could Save The World - video

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2015

Stewart Brand, the man who helped usher in the environmental movement in the 1960s and '70s has been rethinking his positions on cities, nuclear power, genetic modification and geo-engineering. See this video recorded in 2014 for amazing information about nuclear, coal, natural gas, solar and wind energy for generating electricity.

Nuclear power in extreme weather and natural and man-made catastrophes

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2019
  • Publisher: Forbes

James Conca, scientist in the field of earth and environmental sciences. Contributor to Forbes: Through thick and thin, extreme hot or extreme cold, Columbia Generating Station nuclear power plant in Richland, Washington, USA never seems to stop producing over 9 billion kWhs of energy every year, enough to power Seattle. The same with all other nuclear plants in America. Not exactly the same with fossil fuels, wind and solar. Nuclear power plants have more design requirements for extremes of weather and catastrophes natural and man-made than fossil fuel, wind and solar generating stations. Which do you want? How important is continuous electrical power for you?

Nuclear power in extreme weather and natural and man-made catastrophes

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2020
  • Publisher: Forbes

James Conca, scientist in the field of earth and environmental sciences. Contributor to Forbes: Through thick and thin, extreme hot or extreme cold, Columbia Generating Station nuclear power plant in Richland, Washington, USA never seems to stop producing over 9 billion kWhs of energy every year, enough to power Seattle. The same with all other nuclear plants in America. Not exactly the same with fossil fuels, wind and solar. Nuclear power plants have more design requirements for extremes of weather and catastrophes natural and man-made than fossil fuel, wind and solar generating stations. Which do you want? How important is continuous electrical power for you?

Nuclear Power Talk - Concord, Tennessee, 2015

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2015

Donald R. Riley - He evolved the SEFOR (Southwest Experimental Fast Oxide Reactor) conceptual design. SEFOR was built and successfully proved the Doppler Coefficient that shuts down a reactor using MOX fuel without any special actions. If Chernobyl had been a fast reactor it would not have destroyed itself.

Nuclear reactors and french cheese

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2015

Llewellyn King - One of the glories of nuclear technology is also one of its frustrations: You can design a reactor in a hundred ways. It is like the French cheese dilemma; because there are some 500 cheeses in France, who is to say which are the best?

Nuclear, coal, petrol

  • Article Countries: South Africa
  • Article Year: 2018
  • Publisher: Nuclear Africa

Kelvin Kemm is a nuclear physicist and Chairman of the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation and Nuclear Africa (Pty) Ltd: This article explains how nuclear can use coal to create petrol for many transportation applications. Somewhat more than a third of South Africa’s petrol is derived from coal via the SASOL operation. When South Africa was developing its own SMR the PBMR, SASOL was interested in building a PBMR near one of the catalytic cracking plants to supply process heat. At present the largest SASOL plant is in a town called Secunda. It burns coal to provide the process heat to crack the rest of the coal. About 60% of the coal brought into Secunda is burnt to provide the heat to crack the other 40%. So the idea was to build the SMR of about 100MW and then to use its heat directly to chemically process 100% of the coal to liquid fuels, including diesel, aviation fuel and so on. This was projected to be able to reduce the cost of petrol significantly.

Offshore wind - revving up

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2020

Jon Boone, environmentalist, naturalist, bird and nature artist, wind energy expert: The headlines are that offshore wind energy is revving up. Wind remains a key resource in the “all of the above” arsenal of energy supply promulgated by two Secretary of Energy yardbirds. Wind opposition remains stuck in its “not in my backyard” orientation because so few have even bothered to grasp the reasons for its utter power dysfunction. It can’t even produce modern power. This is central toward understanding why wind continues to have traction in the public square. Along with the wink and a nod from the usual suspects leading the conventional generation crowd, who have always understood that, the more wind generation, the more need for—uh—fossil fuels. Wink, wink—nod....


  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2017

Jon Boone, environmentalist, naturalist, bird and nature artist, wind energy expert: The raison d'etre of the wind industry is to abate significant levels of greenhouse gas emissions many feel are causing precipitous and adverse warming trends in earth's climate. Wind technology is sold as an alternative source of power to coal-fired plants. .. .. .. Those who claim that wind technology can abate meaningful levels of CO2 emissions would admire the three-pack a day guy who decides to improve his health by smoking four packs of filtered cigarettes instead.

Oxymoronic Wind, First Principles

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2017

Jon Boone, environmentalist, naturalist, bird and nature artist, wind energy expert: Every major claim made by those who would profit, either financially or ideologically, from wind technology is replete with Owellian doublespeak . Despite the promise of many jobs in the USA, for example, wind provides almost no permanent employment while most wind manufacturing will migrate to China, as much of it has already.

Politicized sustainability threatens planet

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2017
  • Publisher: CFACT

Paul Driessen, senior policy analyst for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow: It seems nearly everyone wants to advance sustainability principles. The problem is, no one really knows what they are. Real sustainability means responsible conservation and stewardship of natural resources. The public relations variety is mostly image-enhancing fluff.


  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2015

Gwyneth Cravens. With the help of scientist, Dr. Rip Anderson, author Gwyneth Cravens spent years learning first hand the facts about nuclear energy and unlearning the myths that guided her as an anti-nuclear power activist earlier in life. With the help of many scientists and engineers, she does an excellent job in her book, this PowerPoint Presentation and in speaking engagements to help the public learn about the facts and benefits of nuclear energy. Congratulations for this excellent PowerPoint Presentation. Thanks. Go Nuclear, Inc.

Power, Productivity, Scale - First Principles, Friends of Maine

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2017

Jon Boone, environmentalist, naturalist, bird and nature artist, wind energy expert: Modern power is a time machine, not for moving back and forward in time, but rather expanding the time in which we can do other things. As the scale of power production gets larger, costs become less expensive, making the power more generally available. Modern power has lifted billions of people out of the grind of poverty, improving both quantity and quality of life.

Real Threat to Banks Is From Bankers, Not Climate Change

  • Article Countries: USA, world
  • Article Year: 2021
  • Publisher:

Over the last two years, some of the world’s most powerful and influential bankers and investors have argued that climate change poses a grave threat to financial markets and that nations must switch urgently from using fossil fuels to using renewables.

But a major new staff report from the New York Federal Reserve Bank throws cold water on the over-heated rhetoric coming from activist investors, bankers, and politicians. “How Bad Are Weather Disasters for Banks?” asks the title of the report by three economists. “Not very,” they answer in the first sentence of the abstract.

Realitätscheck bei Desertec German Deutsch

  • Article Countries: Germany
  • Article Year: 2018

Roger Letsch, Das Projekt Desertec wurde 2009 voller Euphorie gestartet. Es sollte die Energieversorgung mit Solarstrom für Europa sichern helfen und dem Erzeugerland hohe Einnahmen sichern. Wie fast immer bei Energiewendeprojekten hat man auch hier versucht politische, öknonomische und Naturgesetze auszuhebeln. Und ist erwartungsgemäß gescheitert. Roger Letsch fasst den Iststand zusammen.

Reality versus Climate Alarmism

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2019

John Shanahan is a civil engineer and past president of Go Nuclear, Inc. and Environmentalists for Nuclear - USA: There is a titanic struggle over the topic of man-made global warming and man-made sea level rise. The struggle exists on five levels: a) among scientists who have a good knowledge of physics and chemistry related to carbon dioxide from fossil fuels and its role in the entire subject of atmospheric, ocean and land sciences, b) among politicians, c) among people who are determined to save the world from fossil fuels and man-made carbon dioxide, no matter the effects on humanity, d) among other scientists and engineers who claim to have the answers, d) among the public who have very little to no knowledge of atmospheric science, but nevertheless are sure they know the correct answers. A second important topic relates to advocates for nuclear energy who claim to have the answers. If they are wrong about man-made global warming, how can they be trusted with information about nuclear energy. The absolute truth will only come from nature in time. The question is, "How many big mistakes will humans make on this topic before the truth is fully known?