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Climate change is no catastrophe

  • Article Countries: USA - UK
  • Article Year: 2021
  • Publisher:

No global problem has ever been more exaggerated than climate change. As it has gone from being an obscure scientific question to a theme in popular culture, we’ve lost all sense of perspective.

Climate constraint equation

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2021
  • Publisher:

Climate Dogma Killed Build Back Better Spending Plan of Joe Biden

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2021
  • Publisher: Environmental Progress

A half trillion dollars to subsidize renewables would have raised energy prices, worsened inflation, and undermined decarbonization. But what do we do now?

The centerpiece of President Joe Biden’s legislative agenda is dead. The largest component of spending, $570 billion, was for renewables, electric cars, and other climate change investments.

Most dangerously, Build Back Better would have undermined electricity reliability, raised energy prices, and made the U.S. more dependent on foreign energy imports.


Closing Diablo Canyon will save money and "carbon" !!!

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2016

Amory Lovins, long time anti-nuclear power advocate: As the Italian proverb says, arithmetic is not an opinion. So let’s do the math. Renewables and efficiency cost less than operating many nuclear plants. That's right, arithmetic is not an opinion, but garbage numbers and unsound assumptions into the arithmetic leads to worthless numbers out. Same for computer models for climate science. "Efficiency," code for using less energy, obviously costs less than producing energy. The public listens to what they want to hear. So his article, celebrating the agreement with Friends of the Earth and the Natural Resources Defense Council to close the last operating nuclear power plant in California will be music to anti-nuclear power advocates and a sad tragedy for most of humanity and the environment. Lovins talks about "carbon" not carbon dioxide. Carbon is diamonds. Carbon dioxide is a colorless, oderless gas that is essential for all life! So he wants to do the math!!

Collapse of German Government over green energy, climate change

  • Article Countries: UK Germany
  • Article Year: 2017
  • Publisher: GWPF - Global Warming Policy Forum

Germany’s utopian dream of transforming itself into the world’s green powerhouse is collapsing as its political and media establishment is mugged by reality. The country’s climate obsession has turned into one of the country’s biggest political and economic handicaps, making Germany almost ungovernable.

Collection of stories about climate change alarmists

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2021

Few insiders have profited more from taxpayer-backed renewable energy projects than Al Gore. When he left the vice presidency in 2001, his net worth was estimated at less than $2 million. Since then, his wealth has skyrocketed to $300 million, and if the climate change legislation he advocates is enacted, the former vice president stands to become a billionaire.

Commencing a new phase as a venture capitalist

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2021
  • Publisher:

Atomic energy is a tool that is capable of helping address some of humanity’s most wicked challenges. Clean, abundant, reliable and affordable power makes everything we do a little easier and is becoming increasing urgent in the era of climate change. Unfortunately, atomic energy is a long way from reaching its potential or even achieving the impact envisioned by its pioneers.

I am pleased to announce that I am joining forces with Valerie Gardner to become a managing partner at Nucleation Capital. We will also be looking at the kinds of newly commercializing “climate services” that nuclear will be ideally suited to power, including desalination, hydrogen production, and various types of carbon capture, utilization and sequestration (CCUS) activity.

Compendium for a sensible energy policy

  • Article Countries: Germany
  • Article Year: 2017
  • Publisher:

In March 2017, the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy published a brochure announcing that the Energiewende, its renewable energy revolution, was ‘a success story’. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Energiewende has the goal of making Germany independent of fossil fuels in the long term. Coal, oil and gas were to be phased out, allowing drastic reductions in carbon dioxide emissions. However, these goals have not even begun to be achieved.

And so carbon dioxide emissions in Germany have been rising since 2009, even though well over a hundred billion euros have been spent on the expansion of solar and wind energy over the same period.

Despite this enormous effort, security of supply is increasingly under threat. At the same time, people and the biosphere are suffering; wildlife protection has become subordinated to climate mitigation, even though the possibility of achieving the goals of reducing carbon dioxide emissions is becoming increasingly distant and the measures for the energy transition seem to become more and more questionable from a constitutional point of view.

In this review we would like to inform a public debate and set out a reasonable course for energy policy in Germany.

Confessions of a Greenpeace drop out - video

  • Article Countries: Canada
  • Article Year: 2015

Dr. Patrick Moore is a Co-Founder of Greenpeace and worked in that organization for 15 years. At that point, he decided that he wanted to stop protesting everything what is wrong with the world and wanted to start focusing on what is right and needs to be supported. This document contains both a written statement and a video. Please read the statement and watch the video. They are very important..

Conspectus on US Energy

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2015

Retired Physics Professor, Howard Hayden discusses what it takes for an athlete to generate one kilowatt-hour of energy and shows how inexpensive it is to produce the same kilwatt-hour with fossil fuels, nuclear power, and other energy sources..

COP26 - CLINTEL to National Politicians and World Leaders

  • Article Countries: Netherlands
  • Article Year: 2021
  • Publisher: CLINTEL

Hard facts show that global warming is NOT catastrophic, and therefore, there is NO climate crisis. Stop your fear-mongering messages. Fear leads always to wrong decisions and above all, it destroys the minds of our youth. Instead, inspire them with a positive outlook!

The big climate picture tells us that we are slowly moving via ups and downs to the next ice age. The recovery from the Little Ice Age has been beneficial for mankind and nature. Enjoy today’s relatively benign climate! Sometime in the future we will again move to a colder phase and ultimately into the next ice age.

COP26 - Closer to avoiding climate chaos

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2021
  • Publisher:

The world is now closer than it has ever been to the goal of limiting temperature rises to 1.5C, the US climate envoy John Kerry has said, after the Cop26 negotiations ended in Glasgow with an “imperfect” but widely welcomed deal.

Kerry said: “We are in fact closer than we have ever been before to avoiding climate chaos and securing cleaner air, safer water and a healthier planet.”

But he warned that Cop26 was “not the finish line”, and was never going to be. Nations would still have much more work to do on their emissions-cutting goals to ensure the 1.5C limit was viable.

Critical look at green energy technologies

  • Article Countries: Canada
  • Article Year: 2018

Vaclav Smil, Czech-Canadian scientist and policy analyst. Professor Emeritus in the Faculty of Environment at the University of Manitoba in Canada: The human craving for novelty is insatiable, and in a small matter you can meet it in no time at all, particularly when Moore’s Law can help you. It took a single decade to come up with entirely new mobile phones. But you just can’t replicate that pace of adoption with techniques that form the structure of modern civilization—growing food, extracting energy, producing bulk materials, or providing transport on mass scales.

Critical Thinking about Wind Power

  • Article Countries: USA
  • Article Year: 2017

Jon Boone, environmentalist, naturalist, bird and nature artist, wind energy expert: QUESTIONS • Why did the Dutch stop using their windmills to grind their grain and pump water to reclaim their land from the sea--as soon as the steam engine was invented? • Why are sailing vessels used almost entirely for recreation today, rather than for commercial purposes? • What is the difference between energy and power? • Why must electricity supply be matched to demand at all times? • What are the implications for wind technology given that any power generated is a function of the cube of the wind speed along a narrow range of wind velocities (that is, a wind turbine doesn't begin to work until the wind speeds hits 9-mph and maxes out when the wind speeds hit around 34-mph)? • Why has steady, controllable, precision power been the basis of modern life?

Current status of electricity generation in the world

  • Article Countries: Canada Russia
  • Article Year: 2015

Igor Pioro and Pavel Kirilov - This excellent summary to the largest electric generating facilities by technology type: coal, gas, hydro, nuclear, oil, and renewables is available at: