Are we ready for the all electric Green Religion

The Green Religion is a alarmist movement determined to stop the use of fossil fuels that created the modern world. They claim that atmospheric carbon dioxide from use of fossil fuels is causing catastrophic global warming, climate change, droughts, floods, sea level rise.
They demand that cars stop using internal combustion engines with a simple metal gas tank and instead use very large, environmentally destructive lithium batteries. EVs are so dangerous that they have to be hauled away from accidents in specially designed vehicles emersed in a water bath.
This "priests" of the Green Religion, (James Hansen, Michael Mann, John Kerry and many more), claim their policies about use of fossil fuels can control Earth's climate to within a few degrees of their optimal temperature, optimal flow of the atmosphere and oceans, minimum droughts, floods, blizzards, etc. What they will really do is destroy the modern world and cause billions to suffer and die.
John Kerry, President Joe Biden's climate change ambassador is an example of those leading the Green Religion.