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Free Market Purchasers Unplug from Electric Vehicles

Larry Bell
Nature is so beautiful and marvelous. Mankind, sometimes incomprehensibly stupid. For example the decision to force electric vehicles on as many as possible. EVs will not save the environment nor the climate from changing naturally.

Only fools and frauds can continue to wish their government to subsidize products that the public doesn’t want which nevertheless still sell for half or less what they cost to make — which depend upon rare earth materials mined by slave labor and monopolized by hostile adversaries — powered by replacing sources that provide more than 80% of reliable energy by increasing those that intermittently produce about 3% — all with knowingly no discernable climate nor environmental benefits — then pass the economic deficits and inflationary burdens on to gullible taxpayers and consumers represented as triumphs of free enterprise and social justice.

Enter the bizarre political era of electric plug-in vehicles.