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American Economic, Energy and Environmental Security 2019

Richard McPhersson
New York City before September 11 2001. The attacks on that day were coordinated by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda against the United States. They killed 2996 people injured over 6000 others and caused at least 10 billion in infrastructure and property damage.

Richard McPherson, electrical power and grid security expert He is pursuing executable humanitarian solutions under the nexus of agriculture, water and energy: Reportedly Americans are fully employed; yet the interest-bearing national debt is $22.5 trillion and increasing. In 2018, total United States (US) trade with other countries was $5.6 trillion. US exported $2.5 trillion and imported $3.1 trillion. A difference of just $0.5 trillion. Not much of a difference to reduce the increasing interest-bearing national debt. Supposedly there are no more Americans available to join the workforce. Or are there? In 2018, according to the Labor Department 95 million Americans were “not in the labor force”. At the same time, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported low labor force participation was causing a lower gross domestic product (GDP) and lower tax revenues. The lower labor force also causes increased demands on taxpayer dollars from federal support programs. What now?