Human deforestation causes more loss of wilderness than man-made climate change
Sebastian Luening, paleogeologist: "Aktivisten kümmern sich gerne um Pseudoprobleme. Anstatt selber bei der Armutsbekämpfung zu helfen, fordern sie nur von anderen. Sehr bequem." Translation: "Activists (sounding the alarm about catastrophic man-made global warming), instead of helping with the fight against poverty, just demand things from others. Very convenient." This is an excellent article in German, quoting an English language scientific article. Man-made global warming alarmists blame most changes in climate, most extreme weather events, and most changes in the environment on evils perpetrated by human beings. Alarmist activists demand that humans stop using fossil fuels. Impoverished people without sufficient fossil fuels and strong economies are plundering the world's forests. This slash and burn deforestation and plunder of forest biological treasures contributes more to climate change than use of fossil fuels. Don't work to solve the poverty problem. Just dictate that the poor use solar ovens and that U.S. courts defend certain privileged youth and their lawyers to have a anthropogenic controlled safe climate, one of the most outrageous claims in the history of humanity.