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Greenland had less ice in the past

Sebastian Luening
Kalte Sonne

Sebastian Luening, Geologist, Paleontologist, publisher of The website: brings very interesting articles in German and English together for a consistent discussion on the history of Earth's climate. This article shows that several thousand years ago Greenland had less ice than today. Principal components analysis reveals two dominant Holocene trends, one with early Holocene warmth followed by cooling in the middle Holocene, the other with a broader period of warmth in the middle Holocene followed by cooling in the late Holocene. The temperature decrease from the warmest to the coolest portions of the Holocene is 3.0 ± 1.0 °C. The Greenland Ice Sheet retracted to its minimum extent between 5 and 3 thousands of years ago, consistent with many sites from around Greenland depicting a switch from warm to cool conditions around that time.