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Is CO2 a Driver of Temperature, Weather or Sea Level

Thomas Wysmuller
Extreme environmentalists and their partners in governments money passing organizations even national academies of science are telling the world that use of fossil fuels is causing catastrophic global warming and sea level rise. It is all unproven alarmism. Depriving the world of fossil fuels is one of the greatest acts against humanity. The photo above shows how well the world is doing. There is no man-made climate crisis. Being forced to give up fossil fuels would be a humanitarian disaster.

Thomas Wysmuller, Meteorologist. Chair, Oceanographic Section, 2016 World Congress on Oceans. Founding member of NASA's TRCS Climate Group in Houston, Texas: This is a video presentation asking the question, "Is CO2 a Driver of Temperature, Weather or Sea Level?" The answer challenges the alarms by all of the extremists and school children skipping school on Fridays to demand stopping using fossil fuels.