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Recent developments in Climate Wars

Calvin Beisner, David Wojick, Roy Spencer
Cornwall Alliance

Calvin Beisner, Founder - Cornwall Alliance, Roy Spencer, climate scientist, David Wojick, mathematical logic analyst: Here are comments on a variety of issues. The federal Environmental Protection Agency announced its replacement for the power-grabbing, anti-federalist “Waters of the United States” rule promulgated by the Obama EPA. A 2-1 majority of a 3-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a group of children exploited by climate activist organizations and their attorneys to file suit against the U.S. government for failing to protect them from climate disaster ruled that the kids lacked standing and tossed the suit out. David Wojick is building an “education portal” on climate skepticism. One piece of it is a list of 42 videos featuring Cornwall Alliance Senior Fellow Dr. Roy W. Spencer.