COP26 - Alarmists lament that we are still on the road to hell
Matt Clinch
UK and USA

This beautiful world that is still coming out of the last mini ice age, is supposed to be heading for a man-made global warming disaster. So say the alarmists at COP26. Photo is Neuschwanstein castle, Bavaria, Germany, August 2018.
Nearly 200 countries approved the U.N.-brokered deal (for COP26), which suffered stumbling blocks over the phasing out of coal, fossil fuel subsidies and financial support to low-income countries. India and China, both among the world’s biggest burners of coal, insisted on a last-minute change of fossil fuel language in the pact — from a “phase out” of coal to a “phase down.” On Sunday, The Scottish Mail headlined with, “Glasgow wins a climate deal for the world.” The Scotland on Sunday led with the more somber: “Make no mistake, we are still on the road to hell.”