Yes, Greenlands Ice is Melting But…

Over the course of the 20th century, the Jakobshavn Glacier in Iceland retreated about 10 to 15 kilometers. Over just the next eight years, it retreated about the same amount, For anyone who has entertained doubts about the warming of the planet, a trip to Greenland serves as a bracing corrective.
Greenland is about the size of Alaska and California combined and, except at its coasts, is covered by ice that in places is nearly two miles thick. Even that’s only a fraction of the ice in Antarctica, which is more than six times as large. But the Arctic is warming at nearly four times the global average, meaning Greenland’s ice also poses a nearer-term risk because it is melting faster. But just how fast is Greenland’s ice melting right now? Is this an emergency for our time, or is it a problem for the future? ... ... Global warming is real and getting worse, Pielke said, yet still it’s possible that humanity will be able to adapt to, and compensate for, its effects. [Is mankind the cause of this warming? Can mankind control climate change? The answers to these two questions is NO! Climate change is caused by the sun and other physics of the solar system. Atmospheric carbon dioxide is the molecule of life.]