What Direction Will The Doomsday Pendulum Swing Today

One moment all we’re hearing is we’ve only years to live before everything on Earth is destroyed and we’ll all be living in a burning hell. Which, suspiciously, the date keeps getting pushed back!?
As far as historical records go, the last time a mini ice age took place was between the late 14th to mid 19th century, thanks to a reduction in the sun’s output of energy – also known as a grand solar minimum. The years of 1615 to 1750 were supposedly particularly low, with people being able to skate over a frozen Thames or canals in the Netherlands.
In fact, mild warming would be amazing for nearly all life on the planet, including us. In the meantime, we can watch the doomsday cults from afar and see whose trend takes the lead – global warming or global cooling… Or perhaps global boiling will win?