UN IPCC 6th Assessment Report - Irreversible man-made climate change damage

The most vulnerable global populations are already feeling the effects of (man-made) climate change, which is occurring faster than humans can adapt, according to the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) sixth assessment report published Monday. The wide-ranging report called for increased vigilance and updated pledges, saying that billions of people have already been harmed by climate change despite ongoing initiatives.
The report concluded that heatwaves, droughts and floods caused by climate change have already pushed ecological tolerance thresholds, causing mass tree and coral reef mortalities. The impacts are so difficult to contain since they are occurring simultaneously, the report said.
In Africa, Asia, South America, islands and in the Arctic, millions of people are increasingly struggling with acute food and water insecurity because of such impacts.
All this self-flagellation is in direct contrast to the tremendous improvements in standard of living and food supply that actually happened in the last two hundred years due to use of fossil fuels. The UN is a collection of people spreading false alarms to serve their own selfish purposes.