If Global Warmists Are Going to Panic...
Jeffrey Folks
americanthinker.com American Thinker

The climate in Bolivia is very good. Here, women picking flowers for market.
It’s cold, but climate czar John Kerry doesn’t give a f__t. Or maybe he does, since he seems to have interrupted his talk on carbon releases with an audible emission of his own. The audience pretended not to hear, but climate alarmists are used to pretense. They pretend the world will end in 2031 from warming and that temperatures are rising so fast that human beings will be fried.
There’s no evidence that either of those two things is happening. But there’s lots of evidence that temperatures are getting colder. As John Casey explains in his book Dark Winter: How the Sun Is Causing a 30-Year Cold Spell, there’s evidence that temps will get a lot colder.