Climate change and political pollution
Fernando del Pino Calvo-Sotelo
Spain - Vatican - Germany - UK - USA - EU

John Holdren - left, President Obama - right. John Holdren bragged about how the world's national academies of science all agreed with him on his man-made global warming alarmism. Most of the academies agree with Holdren. But that's the way the world goes round.
Don’t be fooled: we can’t control the weather nor are we doomed to apocalyptic destruction. The data contradict the propaganda: no quick melting of the ice caps, no worrisome increase in sea level or hurricanes, no tales of terror. We are facing an aggressive political agenda, based on a totalitarian, Malthusian and pagan ideology, promoted by a powerful and noisy minority, in which the apocalyptic threat is nothing more than an effective instrument to manipulate public opinion. Science has been hijacked and polluted by politics. Our planet is not in danger, but our freedom most certainly is.