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Man-made evidence and computer simulations confirm religious climate madness

Uli Weber
Klima Nachrichten --
Severe floods in Germany hundreds of years before the use of fossil fuels.

There are current reports of severe floods and flood warnings from all over Germany at the turn of the year 2023/24. When spreading such horror reports, interested politicians naturally do not forget the climate policy agenda setting: the floods in Lower Saxony must have consequences for political decisions, demanded SPD leader Lars Klingbeil. “The extent of the damage is shocking,” he told the Tagesspiegel ( December 30, 2023 ). He warned of the consequences of the climate crisis: “In order to stop man-made climate change, which is causing such extreme weather events more and more frequently, we must make every effort to achieve our climate goals.” However, not all disaster reports seem to be based on force meteorological majeure . For example, on December 27, 2023, WELT reported “ Okertalsperre full – Braunschweig expects a tidal wave ”.

In the end, all of this information boils down to the question of whether concrete human errors could be euphemistically subsumed under the term “climate change” without the climate having played even the remotest role. The real climate madness is essentially explained by the results of esoteric computer simulations. And because the simulants of climate madness cannot go fast enough with our earth's self-immolation, they are now even trying to mix their specifically determined lottery numbers with the actual measurement data.

Question: Is it possible that some parascientific-religious climate lurkers are trying to sell us the effects of “non-renewable” energy extraction from our earth’s climate engine as a “man-made climate catastrophe” and thereby open up entirely new tax bases for the CO 2 panic? – Or to put it more briefly, are we creating the climate madness ourselves?