Around 1177 BC serious climate change altered history

This article is about tremendous changes in the course of human hisory around 1177 BC caused in part by natural climate change.
Since the 1960s, individuals, institutions and governments mostly in Australia, Europe and North America have been declaring catastrophic man-made global warming and other extreme weather events. They say we have reached irreversible tipping points. All due to the use of coal, petroleum and natural gas. Fossil fuels are responsible for ALL the advances in the modern world.
Scientists have documented and explained to the public that carbon dioxide from fossil fuels can not cause catastrophic climate change, particularly at atmospheric concentrations above 300 ppmv.
China, India and Russia have many scientists who understand Earth's climate history. They are not racing to proclaim man-made global warming. China is the world's premiier manufacturing country. Why is China focusing on manufacturing solar panels and installing wind turbines and solar panel farms? Any sales person knows the answer.
This article about civilization in western Asia around 1177 BC shows that catastrophic climate change happens. It is natural. We best be prepared with plenty of energy from fossil fuels and nuclear power. John Shanahan considers man-made climate change alarmists enemies of humanity.