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Nuclear Science
Peace Thru Development
Media Items
Nuclear Science
Peace Thru Development
Media Items
Energy Tomorrow
Future of Nuclear?
Uranium & Thorium
Used Fuel Management
10 Reasons to Oppose Nuclear Energy
2018 will be a watershed year for US nuclear power
A Double First for China for Advanced Nuclear Reactors
A Galactic Visitors Essay, Part I - Earnings Return on Investment
A Galactic Visitors Essay, Part II - Mega Energy Centers
A Galactic Visitors Essay, Part III Going to the moon and beyond
A good nuclear power program for the world
A job well done - the failure of nuclear power in the USA
A nuclear America can be a great America
A nuclear future
A pioneer in fast reactor nuclear power - Donald R Riley
A review: America the Powerless
Advanced pebble bed modular reactor, SMRs
America needs a sound energy plan
American Decade of Energy
American Economic, Energy and Environmental Security 2019
American nuclear power teetering between stop and continue
American Nuclear Society position on man-made global warming
An Ecologist For Nuclear Power In The Oilsands
An SMR is to a PWR ...
ANS announces nuclear grand challenges
Application of accelerators in nuclear waste management
Australias plan for nuclear waste
Available - 700 Years of Nuclear Fuel for USA
Better World With Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Medicine, Nuclear Science
Beyond the Nobel Prize: The rise of nuclear powered India
Bill Clinton gives the breeder reactor the ax
Bill Gates commitment to plentiful nuclear energy
BN-800 Reactor - Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor
Breeder reactors: A renewable energy source
Canada and the USA Support Nuclear Energy
Challenges facing nuclear energy
China and India will lead nuclear development
China building nuclear power house
China confident of new era for nuclear power
China confident of new era for nuclear power
China Deploys Floating Nuclear Power Plant
China developing molten salt reactor
China developing molten salt reactor
China Experimental Fast Reactor - CEFR
China eyes Indias civil nuclear sector
China goes all out for nuclear energy
China goes all out for nuclear energy
China to build nuclear power tech hub
China wants nuclear power, just not Western technology
China, worlds fastest expanding nuclear power producer
Chinese plans for exporting nuclear power
Chinese sodium fast reactor project - China
Closing the CANDU nuclear fuel cycle
Comparison of Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles
Competitive Modular Sodium-Cooled Reactor
Coolest of all, million times better than coal
Debunking the myth about nuclear fusion
Désastre de l europe énergétique
Different views about uses of nuclear energy
Dirty, Dangerous and Expensive Nuclear
Displacement of fossil fuels by nuclear power in 34 years
Dissent for Generation IV planning
Do use man-made global warming argument to support nuclear
Does the U.S. nuclear industry have a future?
Dont squander Americas nuclear energy leadership
Dont use CO2 argument to support nuclear power
Einsteins famous equation and you
Electricity in the realm of the lion king
Enabling a global nuclear future
Ending Dangerous Nuclear Power
Energía nuclear - sí, gracias
Energy - Climate Change Challenge
Energy / Climate Change / Role of Nuclear
Energy for the foreseeable future
Energy is worth a war
Energy Policy Failure
Energy return on investment - all forms
Energy security and sovereignty
Environmental, safety, economic implications of nuclear
EPR - decisions durables
Estimate to get to 50 percent capacity with nuclear power
eVinci™ Micro-Reactor
Experimental Breeder Reactor I, EBR I
Fast breeder reactors
Fast reactor development in the United States
Fast Reactor Programs - History and Status
Fear of Nuclear Technology is Mistaken. Better and Safer than Fire.
Finish the MOX project
Fission - An Embarrassment of Riches, or Just an Embarrassment?
Five Myths about Nuclear Power
Floating Nuclear Power Plants
Focus on Swiss turnaround in energy planning
For future nuclear electric power, small is the answer
For sustainable energy chose nuclear
Fossil fuels - nuclear power: energy for thousands of years
Fossil fuels and nuclear power for people and the environment
FRONTLINE INTERVIEW -Why do Americans fear nuclear power
Fuel cycle for Integral Fast Reactor and pyroreprocessing
Future Nuclear Energy Systems
Future of nuclear energy - facts fiction
Future of Nuclear Fusion Energy
GEH begins US licensing for BWRX-300
GEH receives federal funds for BWRX-300 development
Generation IV nuclear technologies - 2019 update
Generation-IV Nuclear Energy Systems
German Dual Fluid Reaktor
Germany should rethink its policy on nuclear energy - 1
Gibt es Möglichkeiten die Gefahren von Atommüll zu reduzieren?
History of fast reactors
How Energy Makes a Difference - video
How matter’s hidden complexity unleashed the power of nuclear physics
How thorium fits in a green-tech future
How to build a nuclear power plant
India after Areva and Westinghouse bankruptcies
Indian nuclear must grow 15 times for clean future
Integral Fast Reactor fuel cycle development
International Collaboration in Nuclear
International Energy Agency - Future of nuclear
Interview about nuclear power and nuclear medicine with Dr Kelvin Kemm
Interview: nuclear power and nuclear medicine
Introduction to New Nuclear Watch Europe, NNWE
Is man-made global warming argument good for nuclear?
Is this the only way to make nuclear work
Japan and France to Promote Fast Breeder Reactors
Japan wants reactors phased out
Joan Pye Project - Nuclear Energy
Keep America Powerful
La désinformation antinucléaire v courte
La discusion nuclear en Chile se va a postergar 25 anos
La France championne du monde
Le GEIC soutient le nucléaire
Le nucléaire cœur de la transition énergétique
Le nucléaire cœur de la transition énergétique
Le nucléaire durable a de l'avenir
Le papillon et superphénix
Letter to John Holdren - 3 recommendations for nuclear
Letter to Peshastin Conference attendees about nuclear power
Liquid Fuel Reactors and Thorium
Liquid Fueled Thorium Reactors without equations
Liquid metal cooled fast reactors
Liquid Metal Reactor: Integral Fast Reactor
LWR Recycle: Necessity or Impediment
Malaysia has no plans for nuclear power plant
Management of nuclear knowledge
Mexico - nuclear energy summary
Molten Salt Reactor MSR
Molten salt reactor research
Molycorp a decade of deception and decline
Monumental, unsustainable environmental impacts
Must the world abandon fossil fuels and go all nuclear quickly
NAS Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board
Need to restart FFTF, the Fast Flux Test Reactor
New Nuclear Power, If Regulations Allow It
New nuclear technology
Nine Nuclear Grand Challenges
Nine Nuclear Grand Challenges Report
No credible business plan for SMRs
Notes on nuclear waste and radiation exposure
NRC holding up new nuclear technologies
NTP Radioisotopes SOC Ltd
Nucléaire ses 7 points forts
Nucléaire ses 7 points forts
Nucléaire une chance pour notre avenir
Nuclear - A resource for thousands of years
Nuclear - A resource for thousands of years
Nuclear Africa
Nuclear Africa Conference March 14 - 16, 2018 Announcement
Nuclear Cinderella: Problem of communication and education
Nuclear Desalination
Nuclear Energy - Testimony to Congress April, 2009
Nuclear energy and its peaceful usage
Nuclear energy in Asia - A post Fukushima perspective
Nuclear energy is sustainable and part of the mix
Nuclear energy vital for sustainable economy
Nuclear Energy, a solution for Africa
Nuclear Energy, the Next Industrial Revolution
Nuclear Energy: Past and Future
Nuclear Energy: Powering A Sustainable Future
Nuclear Fission Fuel is Inexhaustible
Nuclear Free Future
Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing: U.S. Policy Development
Nuclear Futures Meeting
Nuclear grand challenges report
Nuclear is for life
Nuclear is our most affordable energy
Nuclear on a truck
Nuclear power - The next 50 years and beyond
Nuclear Power - The Original Plan for Development
Nuclear power can not solve so-called man-made global warming
Nuclear Power Could Save The World - video
Nuclear Power Feasibility 2007
Nuclear Power Future
Nuclear power has become irrelevant
Nuclear power in extreme weather and natural and man-made catastrophes
Nuclear Power in Space
Nuclear power is on the rise
Nuclear power is the future of ecological transition
Nuclear power needs a fuel recycle reactor
Nuclear power potential
Nuclear power to manufacture synthetic fuels
Nuclear Power Worldwide including SMRs
Nuclear reactor - von Hippel calls it a boondoggle
Nuclear Reactors to Produce Jet Fuel
Nuclear, the clean energy future
Nukleare Kohlevergasung in Zeiten knapper Energiereserven
Operating Experience for Experimental Breeder Reactor II
Overview on Small Modular Reactors - 2019
Patrick Moore, Co-Founder of Greenpeace Envisions a Nuclear Future
Peddling plutonium GNEP
Peddling plutonium GNEP
Peur de l effet de serre
Pioneer in Fast Breeder Reactors, EBR I - video
Plan to Restore American Leadership in Nuclear Energy
Plea to return to science about nuclear energy
PLENTIFUL ENERGY - The Story of the Integral Fast Reactor BOOK
PLENTIFUL ENERGY - The Story of the Integral Fast Reactor. book
Plentiful Energy and the IFR Story
Plentiful Energy, The IFR Story
Plutonium graal du futur
Potential Uses for Depleted Uranium Oxide
Proliferation and the IFR
Prospects for Nuclear Energy in South Africa
Public Trust in Nuclear Energy
Quelles énergies domineront la fin du siecle ?
Radiant aims to replace diesel generators with small nuclear reactors
Recycling Nuclear Waste
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions using Nuclear Energy
Renaissance in energy planning
Restoring Americas Competitive Nuclear Energy Advantage
Retaking the lead
Rethinking LWR fuel
Review of US nuclear fuel reprocessing policy
Roadmap Update for Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems
Role of Bruce Power in long term energy plan
ROSATOM 2016 foreign orders grow 20 percent
Rosatom Global Development for South African Perspective
Russia - Operating experience from the BN600 sodium fast reactor
Russia and China building nuclear power plant alliances
Russia Leads in Fast Reactor Technology
Russia Leads in Fast Reactor Technology
Russia proposes new closed fuel cycle
Russian floating nuclear power plant - 2016
Russian nuclear power plant - VVER 1200
Russian nuclear power plant - VVER 1200
Saving power in danger
Small Modular Reactors - an Option
Small Modular Reactors advance in the nuclear world
Small Modular Reactors are Nuclear's Future
Small Modular Reactors IAEA Booklet 2020
Small Modular Reactors, SMR - UK
Small nuclear power plants
Small nuclear power plants for Africa
Small nuclear power reactors
Smarter Use of Nuclear Waste
Sodium as a Fast Reactor Coolant
Solutions for Nuclear Waste
Some first steps to a sound energy program in North America
South Africa goes for nuclear power
South Africa nuclear site set for green light
South African and European model appearance of small modular reactors
South African Energy Perspective
South African successful nuclear energy and isotope programs
South Korea - Advanced Power Reactor 1400 MWe
Spent Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing
Summary for thorium and rare earths
Summary of 2016 Nuclear Africa Conference
Summary of Canadian Nuclear Power
Sustainable nuclear scenarios
Sustainatopia 2017 - Case for a good reactor
T. Cochran - Testimony to Congress
Ten problems nuclear power must solve
Ten problems nuclear power must solve
TerraPower molten salt reactors
Testimony before U.S. Senate on Sustainable Energy
The benefits of nuclear energy - updated
The case for advanced nuclear reactors
The Case For Nuclear
The case for nuclear energy in South Africa - video
The changing world energy economy
The Economics of Future Nuclear Power
The Economics of Future Nuclear Power
The Future of Nuclear After Fukushima
The Future of Nuclear After Fukushima
The Future of Nuclear Energy in the United States
The future of nuclear power - Study, 2003
The future of nuclear power - French and American opinions
The future of nuclear power in the USA, a proposal
The future of thorium nuclear energy - A discussion
The green movement has misled the world about the dangers of radiation
The Integral Fast Reactor
The Myth of Plutonium Toxicity
The Nuclear Power Advantage
The sad status of nuclear power in the free world
The Social Construction of Ignorance
The Uncertain Future of Nuclear Energy
The vulnerability for humanity
Thorium - The Other Nuclear Fuel
Thorium Energy Alliance
Thorium fuel cycle perspectives
Thorium molten salt reactors - to CA energy commission
Thorium Underground Power Plant
Thorium, miracle énergétique - 1
Three Green New Deal Secrets
U.S. Energy Presentation
U235 don de dieu
Un nucléaire durable
Update on Nuclear Power - Positive Prospects
Uranium océanique
Uranium vs Thorium for Power Production: IFR vs LFTR - an Overview
US funding for Stable Salt Reactor
US retaking the lead
US returns to fast reactor R&D
Used fuel and depleted uranium worth trillions
Used Nuclear Fuel / Depleted Uranium - Is It a Waste or a Resource
Vers 100% nucléaire en 2050
Video on design of IFR fuel and fuel recycling
Vision and reality: The EBR II story
Vive la transition écologique vers le nucléaire
Website for Micro Nuclear Tech
WFEO Nuclear Power Feasibility Report 2007
What if I am wrong? What if they are wrong? - renewables, nuclear
Which decision about nuclear power
Why American Designed Nuclear Power Plants Make the World Safer
Why Congress should not bother reviving Yucca Mountain
Why fear of radiation is wrong: personally, scientifically, environmentally
Why I changed my mind about nuclear power - VIDEO
Why I co-founded Energy for Humanity
Why Nuclear Power Must Go
Will we miss the boat again?
Working in China in nuclear energy, medicine, and science