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Media Items
Nuclear Science
Peace Thru Development
Media Items
Fossil Fuels
Energy Today
Fossil Fuels
North America
South America
62 nations building 1,600 coal plants
A diesel crisis could slam the economy
A partial list of over 6000 products from oil
American oil production
Biden continues to flip-flop on crude oil policies
Blizzard Triggers 60-Fold Surge in Prices for natural gas
Breezes and sunshine can not make anything
Carbon emissions from energy 2023
Carbon Myopia
Cheap fix to global warming is finally gaining support
Cleaned-Up Coal and Clean Air
Climate Crowd Ignores a Scientific Fraud
Climate industrial complex left clueless as fossil fuels proliferate
CO2 emissions versus poverty and prosperity
Coal a great source for low-cost carbon fiber
Coal at COP28
Coal can offset fuel losses caused by hurricanes
Coal can still eliminate our need for foreign oil
Coal Helps Developing Countries Fight Poverty and Disease
Coal in Asia
Coal in the fuel tank of your car
Coal in your cars tank
Coal plants worldwide - 2020 versus US mandates to close them
Coal source of rare earth elements
Coal to amonia
Coals life-saving role ignored by climate-obsessed media
Crude Oil
Datteln 4 most modern coal fired power plant 2020
Demon Coal
Discussion on The Future of Energy
Divesting from fossil fuels
Do we need fewer pipelines or more
Earth Day 2016
Earth-s reserves of fossil fuels are finite
Electrify Everything Slammed Again
End war on coal
Energy and Environment
Energy supply in cold weather
EPA Loses Big in SCOTUS ruling
EPA wants more expensive energy
European hypocrites return to fossil fuels
Fossil Energy Shortages Cool Climate Alarm Policies
Fossil Fuel Age has failed - proclaims UN Secretary-General
Fossil fuels answer to Asia's hot summers
Fossil Fuels Have Lifted Humanity and Given The Gift of Longer Lives
Fossil fuels make us safer from hot and cold
Fossil Fuels Will Save The World
Future of oil and gas
Germany is addicted to gas from Russia
Globalists use Green Energy to Destroy our way of life
Good reason to still mine coal
Hansen stands by coal train death train analogy
Headed for global energy crisis - Need transition strategy
History of oil processing and by-products
How Much Fossil Fuel Is Left
How Prosperity Can Save the Planet – and its people … using fossil fuels
Humanity Unbound: How Fossil Fuels Saved Humanity from Nature & Nature from Humanity
In 2020 China built one large coal plant per week
India and China using more coal
India needs coal
India reopens 100 coal mines as demand skyrockets
India to Overtake China as Biggest Coal Importer
Is crude oil vital for our economy?
Is fracking safe
Japan again embraces coal
Keystone pipeline update February 2022
Leave oil in the ground, lose 6,000 by-products essential to the modern world
Lets be clear about oil
Letter to Ministry of Coal India about Ultra Clean Stack Technology
Letter to Secretary DOE about coal and rare earth elements
Life without fossil fuels with video
Life without oil by-products
Los Angeles moves to phase out new oil and gas drilling
Merchant Ships and Planes needed to support the population of the world
Natural gas industry smear of coal
Net Zero Position Statement by TRCS - Materially Improbable
Net-Zero Carbon is Harming the Poor in Africa
No peak oil in sight
Northeast Grid Relies on Oil
Oil and by-products. What environmental extremists do not want you to know.
Oil Productive Capacity A Problem?
Overview of coal-to-liquids: A historical perspective
Petroleum depletion, natural gas, nuclear power
Pipelines versus rail versus cargo ships
Plastic is not a threat
Quotes by Vaclav Smil on energy and civilization
Ridding world of crude oil without replaccement is global suicide
Roadmap to 100 percent renewable energy
Shortages and inflation to be the new norm - problem oil refineries
Silly Season With A Looming Winter Of Energy Discontent
Some fuel economy common sense
Surge in use of coal and the power of power density
The Answer Is Simple
The Beginning Of The End - Of Growth As We Know It
The end of use of the term fossil fuels
The Energy Tranisiton is Social Vandalism
The fossil fuel crisis - Hugo Kruger interviews Rudolph Huber
The future of energy and coal
The German Coal Commission
The importance of petroleum by-products
The LNG Crisis
The Netherlands carbon dilemma sequester or recycle
The world is transitioning to fossil fuels
Todays world cannot survive without crude oil
TWTW - 200229 Green Dreams
Ultra Clean Stack Technology for Coal-Fired Power Plants
Venezuela oil shock and economc catastrophe
War on affordable electricity
Weather, climate, fossil fuels and nuclear power
Wer rief die Geister - Who summoned the spirits
Why is life taking second place to fossil fuel companies?
Will New EPA Regulations Starve Millions Of People
Without fossil fuels there is no need for electricity
World data on fossil fuels
World must stop coal-fired power - John Kerry