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Coal at COP28

Tilak Doshi - Peter Coclanis
UK - Singapore - USA
Clean, modern coal plant in Japan.

India’s Power Minister stated “There is going to be pressure on nations at COP-28 to reduce coal usage. We are not going to do this... we are not going to compromise on availability of power for our growth, even if it requires that we add coal-based capacity.

No country ever has reached “developed country” status without relying on fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas). Modern economic growth, commencing in the late eighteenth century and “picking up steam" thereafter, drastically improved material well-being the world over.

One thing that is more certain than wars is that most of the world will completely ignore richer alarmists in the USA and Europe who demand that billions of poorer people abandon coal and embrace wind and solar. Go Africa, China and India!! John Shanahan