Nuclear Fusion - Should We Bother
John Carr
GWPF - The Global Warming Policy Foundation
Will controlled fusion, the energy in billions of stars, ever be practical and widely used on a rocky, water planet? The Creator didn't make it easy.
This article has emphasised intrinsic concerns for commercial fusion, the major points being:
• excessive cost compared to fission, because of enormous size and complexity;
• low operational availability due to the necessity to frequently replace components damaged by neutron irradiation;
• scarcity of tritium fuel, requiring regeneration in operations and probably supplies for startup from a fleet of fission reactors.
• Questionable worldwide implimentation compared with fission reactors. [John Shanahan]
The answer to the question in the title of this paper, therefore, is that there is no reason to bother with fusion. It will almost certainly have no advantages over fission