Enemies of the Earth - Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace

Michael Shellenberger, Environmental Progress: Since the Fukushima disaster, FOE and its close ally, Greenpeace, have poured millions into East Asian nations to shut down nuclear power plants. In South Korea, FOE-Greenpeace funded a large class action lawsuit, sophisticated video and social media engagement, and protests. But their greatest coup was the Hollywood-style anti-nuclear disaster movie, “Pandora,” which was released in 2016 and watched by five million South Koreans. FOE-Greenpeace supported the film with protests and screenings. In early October 2017, the 478-member jury participated in a “debate camp” and next Friday, on October 20, the jury will deliver its verdict to President Moon, who has said he will respect and enforce their decision. But Moon hasn’t been shy about his anti-nuclear views. After shutting down one nuclear plant Moon gave a speech in which he claimed Fukushima killed 1,600 people.