Seven myths debunked, including green power
Leon Louw
South Africa
FMF - Free Market Foundation

South Africa has the experience and capability for prosperity in areas of energy economy education nature and the environment. But in 2018 the government is turning its back on this paradise and thinking of installing massive amounts of weak harmfully variable and unpredictable wind and solar.
Leon Louw, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Free Market Foundation: If we want prosperity, we must have huge coal and nuclear power investments. Why does the government take irrational proposals seriously? It may be the victim of a new kind of “Guptas out, IPPs in” state capture. IPPs spend fortunes on propaganda. We do not face a binary choice between renewables and coal/nuclear. The Daft IRP is a 180 degree reversal of the preceding IRP. The lesson to be learned is that the future is unknowable, that what’s needed is humility, to which end the government should replace the biased proposal with a balanced role for all options.