Articles on Contrepoints - 2014
Michel Gay

France is truly a beautiful country with diverse geography, wonderful towns and cities, well designed and maintained transportation networks, great universities, plentiful nuclear power, outstanding used fuel recycling and radioactive waste storage programs. France has led the world with their nuclear energy program. China and Russia are the new leaders. The United States is preparing to close their nuclear plants with no plan to replace most of them with new nuclear plants. The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission is finally going through the motions to license small modular reactors. Where will the American SMR program lead? The licensing has already cost an unnecessary huge fortune. What a shame. This is due to American politicians letting extreme anti-nuclear activists have their way since the 1970s. Russia and China may have better ways of dealing with extreme anti-nuclear power and extreme environmentalist organizations. There is only one reason that the true total cost of nuclear is more than any other energy source - artificial and unnecessary extra safety systems, safety procedures, lack of recycling used fuel, and lack of storage for a small amount of actual radioactive waste.
Michel Gay, l'Association des écologistes pour le nucléaire (AEPN): This is an excellent collection of articles by Michel Gay in 2015 on nuclear energy and fossil fuels and related topics.