Electricity explains the world
Meredith Angwin, Robert Bryce

A city in Brazil. Most people live in cities. Three types of cities are - a have little reliable and affordable electricity - very poor economy - b have electricity but poor economy - c have plenty of electricity and good economy.. It is tragic that people very well off want poorer people to not have enough of the right kind of energy to live better. Something will be done about that. Thanks to Meredith Angwin and Robert Bryce.
Meredith Angwin, Physical Chemist, Naturalist, Educator, Robert Bryce, author of “Smaller Faster Lighter Denser Cheaper,” and many other books and articles about energy : The modern world depends on a few essential networks: telephone, GPS, and of course, the World Wide Web. And all of those networks rely on the mother network: the electric grid. In Shorting the Grid, Meredith Angwin provides an enormously valuable, clear, and succinct explanation of our most important network. She shows how it works, why it’s vulnerable, and why we should be concerned about what she lyrically calls the "angelic miracle of the power grid.”