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France - Unjustified taxation on fossil fuels

Paul Driessen
France USA

Paul Driessen, senior policy analyst for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow: Foreign tourism in France has been the highest in the world. It has beautiful countrysides, mountains, sea coasts, towns and cities. It also has very high taxes and dogmatic governments when it comes to the illusion of catastrophic man-made global warming from use of fossil fuels. In 2018, the French government imposed more taxes on transportation fuels supposedly to save the world from catastrophic man-made global warming. Common French citizena had enough. They put on their gilets jaunes - yellow safety jackets required in all cars and blocked streets across the country. Everywhere, France is rioting. France is burning. It is ugly. French President, Emmanuel Macron, fled Paris and cancelled the additional carbon tax. This is not the end, but it is the beginning of the end of dogmatic government policies about supposed catastrophic man-made climate change, in France and across Europe.