Mickey Mouse Climate Change Scientist - Reduce Population
Armstrong Economics - Martin Armstrong, Martin
Former NASA scientist Columbia University professor and leading catastrophic man-made global warming alarmist James Hansen along with his fellow science compadres Tom Cochran Michael Mann and John Holdren are all dedicating their lives to stopping use of fossil fuels and blocking use of nuclear power. In their own way they are doing more harm for humanity than Hitler Stalin and Mao. And right up their with them is the main stream media in North America and Europe which broadcast that 11000 scientists are predicting man-made climate change doom.
Armstrong Economics: Amazingly, among the list of 11,000 climate experts includes Mickey Mouse from the Mickey Mouse Institute For the Blind. No one in the press bothered to verify such an announcement despite 11,000 scientists claiming to have signed something that no legitimate scientist would EVER ascribe to. This is not science, it is propaganda. What scientist would advocate teaching girls not to have children?