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Biden Buggy and Justin Jalopy

Thorpe Watson
Most of the conveniences of modern living are by-products of fossil fuels. Without them we would have dirt roads, short wooden bridges. wood and stone single room homes and hardly any clothes and shoes! Most of us would walk everywhere and never leave our filthy villages with no waste water treatment systems. In Africa today, some school children and high school students walk 10 to 20 miles each way to get an education. That is what Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau and their counterparts in Europe and Australia are planning for the world! What they are doing is worse than most wars.

Joe Biden, his appointees and partners in Congress along with similar people in Australia, Canada and Europe deliberately ignore the energy facts of this wonderful world. They announce disastrous plans to abandon fossil fuels and sequester carbon dioxide. Both will cause more suffering and death than all wars throughout history, reduce the world's population by billions and cause the remaining wildlife areas to be pillaged. Prepare for the darkest days in the history of humanity. John Shanahan, Civil Engineer, Founder, Editor of website

Will all pro-nuclear power advocates please support fossil fuels and carbon dioxide, the molecule of life. You can't make progress for nuclear power if you deny the benefits of fossil fuels and CO2!