American ignorance is growing fast (like a cancer)
For the fun of it, I took the same test that legal immigrants are given to qualify for application to American citizenry. I passed. Even though I'm not an American and I don't live in that country, and don't even want to, I still passed.
I passed BECAUSE I'm very much a fan of the US. Not only is the USA my country's closest neighbour, but we have a common heritage with you. Furthermore, the USA has been the leader of the FREE world, and up to now, the American society has been held in high esteem worldwide with their high and righteous values and unsurpassed successes making giant technical and social strides for the good of all humanity.
Only 3% of current American high school students are able to pass this same test for American citizenry. Whose fault is that? - the students? Absolutely NOT! We ALL know the answer to that question, don't we.