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How do you fight for a country you are taught to hate

Andrea Widburg
2023 American Thinker
Abraham Lincoln, one of America's greatest Presidents and citizens.

West Point has a storied place in American history. During the Revolution, Benedict Arnold tried to give the fort to the British. After the Revolution, it became America’s first military academy, graduating such luminaries as Ulysses S. Grant, Dwight Eisenhower, Generals Omar Bradley, Douglas MacArthur, and George S. Patton, and many other men who have shaped our nation. All the alumni were driven by patriotism.

Now, though, West Point has a “minor” that is the essence of anti-patriotism. Welcome to West Point’s Diversity and Inclusion Studies Minor.

If America’s political system is indeed suffering from “inherent inequalities”, then the only remedy is to transform that system. That is to remake the Constitution. That treasonous proposition clashes with the Army’s oath of enlistment, which is to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic”.