COP28 - Jet-Set Hypocrites Want To Keep Billions in Poverty
Vijay Jayaraj
India - World
Dubai, United Arab Emirates is hosting the UN IPCC COP28 Conference in 2023. The 70,000 Jet-Setting climate alarmists demand that the rest of the world stop using fossil fuels. Hypocrisy at its grandest!. Who is the worst: Putin, Xi, those demanding the annihilation of Israel, John Kerry, Michael Mann, Bill McKibben, Pope Francis, the EU, the World Economic Forum, many political leaders in Australia, Europe and North America or the UN IPCC COP attendees? Maybe they all are the worst.
The irony of COP28's location this year cannot be overlooked. The UAE, a nation synonymous with opulence and towering skyscrapers made most of its wealth from selling oil and natural gas which are supposedly the cause of a coming apocalypse. Dubai, the epitome of hydrocarbon-fueled extravagance, stands as a stark contrast to the very principles that COP28 purports to uphold. Hosting COP in a nation deeply entrenched in the fossil fuel industry is paradoxical at best.
Emission-Spewing Private Jets and Carbon-Intensive Lifestyles While political figures in the West regularly point accusatory fingers at the substantial CO2 emissions of China and India, they tend to ignore per capita emissions in various nations.