The LNT Controversy: Is Low Level Radiation Really Harmful?
Alan Waltar

Nature is full of amazing wonders including enhanced eye-sight enhanced hearing enhanced sense of smell ability to do things very quietly the ability to grow from sunlight genius in all human skills love kindness helping others science literature art music cooking gardening sports and the beneficial effects of low dose radiation. We cant do without any of these marvels of the universe.
Alan Waltar, nuclear engineer, Retired from Senior Advisor, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Professor and Head of Nuclear Engineering, Texas A&M University, Past President of the American Nuclear Society: Conclusions - Linear No-Threshold Low Dose Radiation Guidelines are NOT CONSERVATIVE. The drastic actions forced on the public themselves by LNT (not low dose radiation) cause many needless deaths, make nuclear energy needlessly too expensive, deprive sick people of diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine, and instill false fear among the public of low dose radiation. This has long-lasting negative consequences for the modern world.