Radiophobia Kills

Mohan Doss, Medical Physicist, XLNT Foundation: Extreme irrational fear of things that are relatively harmless or even beneficial in small quantities is a serious problem, as it would make people flee the imaginary threat potentially making them run into real danger. Too many people have Radiophobia, fear of small doses of radiation. The Linear No Threshold (LNT) Hypothesis encourages this phobia in U.S. regulations. The XLNT Foundation is dedicated to getting rid of (Xing out) the LNT hypothesis in order to enhance public health. Eliminating the LNT hypothesis will help rejuvenate nuclear power industry (which has been throttled by radiophobia) thereby improving the quality of life globally. It will also have a tremendous positive impact on human health by enabling major progress in the war on cancer, as described in the Flyer below. Please share the Flyer with your friends and colleagues.