Evidence low dose rates increase dog lifespans

Jerry Cuttler, Ph.D. Nuclear Sciences and Engineering, past president of Canadian Nuclear Society. Ludwig Feinendegen, MD, Professor Emeritus, Heinrich-Heine Universität, Director of the Institute of Medicine at Kernforschungsanlage, Juelich. Yehoshua Socol Ph.D. Experimental High-Energy Physics, Executive Analyst, Falcon Analytics: After the 1956 radiation scare to stop weapons testing, studies focused on cancer induction by low-level radiation. Concern has shifted to protecting “radiation-sensitive individuals.” Since longevity is a measure of health impact, this analysis reexamined data to compare the effect of dose rate on the lifespans of short-lived (5% and 10% mortality) dogs and on the lifespans of dogs at 50% mortality. .. .. If dogs model humans, this evidence would support a change to radiation protection policy. Maintaining exposures “as low as reasonably achievable” (ALARA) appears questionable.