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Coal can eliminate need for foreign oil

Clinton Crackel

Clinton Crackel, Co-founder and Co-chairman Nuclear Fuels Reprocessing Coalition: Too many crude oil extraction and refining operations are susceptible to recurring outages and damages caused by hurricanes because of their location in the Gulf states. At least 25% of our refining capacity was incapacitated by Hurricane Harvey. Yet, we had no suitable substitute for the loss of so much crude oil-based fuel. The losses of so much refining capacity, even for a short period of time, can lead to considerable price spikes and dramatic shortages of jet fuel, gasoline and diesel fuel. In addition to Sasol, at least two other petroleum companies, Shell and ExxonMobile, have been interested in the Fischer-Tropsch coal to liquid synthetic fuel process in the past. This process is the mainstay of Sasol's synthetic fuel production in South Africa.