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Wind and solar can not save the planet

Michael Shellenberger, John Shanahan

Michael Shellenberger, Founder - President of Environmental Progress: This is an excellent review of wind and solar energy. It doesn't work. Michael and his science advisor, James Hansen are determined to stop use of fossil fuels because of their convictions that they are causing catastrophic anthropogenic global warming. John Shanahan points out that this website has hundreds of articles on wind, solar and man-made global warming. Based on these articles, he concludes that the world needs fossil fuels far more than any possible problems with global warming they cause. The problems with stopping use of fossil fuels are tremendous, existential. Extreme environmental and man-made climate change alarmists are determined to save the world with their solutions. They are not the best persons to help the world. China is doing a far better job of helping millions out of poverty by using fossil fuels than extreme environmentalists like the Sierra Club, the Natural Resources Defense Council or James Hansen are doing by forcing stopping use of fossil fuels.