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XCEL Energy and Colorado Governor Jared Polis on wind and solar energy

Eric Jelinski, John Shanahan, David Wojick
Canada USA

Eric Jelinski, past president of Environmentalists for Nuclear - Canada, farmer, environmentalist, university lecturer with degrees in mechanical and chemical nuclear engineering, John Shanahan, past president of Environmentalists for Nuclear - USA, civil engineer, Editor of, David Wojick, Energy analyst, author, civil engineer: Wind and solar energy, and catastrophic man-made global warming alarmism are one big (and dangerous) political soap opera being played out to entertain the gullible in western Europe, US, and Canada. "Greenpeace and others protesting CO2 and global warming, based on a mere BELIEF, like any other religion, is as laughable (if it weren't for their wilful and unlawful disruption of honest TAX-PAYING citizens' lives) as demanding the government 'do something' about the length of daylight, or the force of gravity, or the composition of Jupiter.