Dumb Energy
Norman Rogers
The toughest wars happen when one side prepares completely without the other side being aware of it ot without reacting. That happened in WWII when Hitler and Nazi Germany built a tremendous war machine and started the Blitzkrieg. The rest of Europe was not the least prepared. For the last fifty years catastrophic man-made global warming alarmists and anti-fossil fuel and anti-nuclear power alarmists have been working day and night to force wind and solar energy on the world. Many students parents and the public embrace these alarmists. If wind and solar prevail it will be the end of the modern world suffering and death for billions and vast environmental and loss of wildlife habitat destruction
Norman Rogers, Physicist. Contributor to Powerline, Board Member: CO2 Coalition, National Association of Scholars, Policy Advisor: Heartland Institute, Member: American Geophysical Union, American Meteorological Society: It is easy to tell when an energy source is “dumb”–i.e. inefficient, unreliable and expensive. Smart energy sources like coal, nuclear, hydroelectric and natural gas, exist because they satisfy a permanent demand for cheap and reliable energy. Dumb energy sources exist because government has put its thumb on the scale in the form of subsidies and mandates. Dumb energy will cause disastrous collapse of the modern world, even walk-in conquests by enemies.