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COP27 - Questionable leaders versus knowledgeable professionals on energy and climate change

Habibullo Abdussamatov, Cap Allon, Meredith Angwin, Cairns Bain, Mpiyakhe Dhlamini, Bernd Fleischmann, Viv Forbes, Samuel Furfari, Michel Gay, Roger Higgs, Zbigniew Jaworowski, Vijay Jayaraj. Rob Jeffrey, Eric Jelinski, Kelvin Kemm, Andrew Kenny, Sherri Lange, Jay Lehr, Bryan Leyland, Douglas Lightfoot, Philip Lloyd, Leon Louw, Howard Lowe, Steven Lyazi, Francois Mellet, Knox Msebenzi, Wanda Munn, Temba Nolutshungu, Kees le Pair, John Shanahan, Ben Soon, Reinhard Storz, Helmut Ullmann, Uli Weber, Gary Young
Australia, Canada, European Union, France, Germany, India, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, Uganda, UK, USA
At the UN IPCC COP27 Climate Conference in Egypt in 2022, leaders in the USA, Europe, and South Africa agreed to close coal mines and coal fired electric generating plants, replacing them with wind farms. That won't work as has been proven for decades. The wonderful modern standard of living and food supply system will be destroyed. We must challenge leaders who demand we abandon fossil fuels.

Leaders in Australia, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, the USA, the UN - IPCC, and the World Economic Forum are demanding abandonment of fossil fuels. This can only lead back to the way the world was for thousands of years with slavery and poverty for most and an elite ruling class.

Honest, well-meaning professionals in energy, climate science, government policies, economics, finance, business, and media are dedicated to a free, prosperous world. We must carefully select whom to follow: manipulators or good leaders.