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Challenges for the Global and Swiss Energy Sector

Irene Aegerter
Nuclear Power Plant KKL Switzerland. Swiss nuclear power has been excellently operated managed and maintained like most other things in Switzerland.

Irene Aegerter, physicist, Simon Aegerter, physicist: Nuclear Energy has a bad name and is allegedly not wanted by the people. Yet, even after Harrisburg, Tschernobyl and Fukushima it remains the cleanest, safest and most environmentally safe source of energy and – if done right – will become the cheapest. With new generations of nuclear reactors, the perceived dangers of nuclear power will be eliminated: The Generation IV reactors are inherently safe in normal and abnormal operations, they are proliferation resistant and they use the long lived "waste" isotopes as fuel. They utilize Thorium and all of the Uranium, thereby making the available resources essentially inexhaustible.