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Nuclear Science
Peace Thru Development
Media Items
Wind and Solar
North America
South America
100 percent renewable energy rested on a lie
100 percent renewable plan
A brutal example of why 100% renewables can’t work
About the website -
Australias giant green gamble on solar energy toys
Battery Baloney, Hydrogen Hype, Green Fairy Tales
Behind Chinese solar industry is a mountain of coal
Biden Approves Eighth Offshore Wind Project
Biden plots two trillion dollars for wind energy
Calculating the full costs of electrifying everything using only wind solar and batteries
California mostly solar and wind by mid century
California went big on rooftop solar. It created an environmental danger.
Can we build back better for birds
Can we rely on wind and solar - video
Canada is following Germanys failed climate goals
Chasing the Green Energy Dream
Cities leading the way to 100 % renewable energy - disaster
Critical Thinking about Wind Power
Das EEG [Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz] und die Huetchenspieler
Debunking the unscientific fantasy of 100 percent renewables
Destroying The Global Village In Order To Save It
Dumb Energy
Effets collatéraux de l'intermittence
Electricity Decarbonization, No Holy Grail
Energie renouvelables et l'environnement
Energiewende oder schutz der natur Deutsch, German
Energiewende sticks it to the poor in Germany
Energy return on Solar PV
Energy shocks under Biden
Energy transition - Even if it were technically possible, it would be very expensive
Energy transition more important than protection of nature
ERoEI photovoltaic solar
Europes Wind Turbine Makers Face Massive Financial Collapse
Failure of green energy policies
Fantasy of wind power for Maryland
Far more support for wind farms than for medicine and hospitals
For Texans and Australians, it’s breezes and sunshine, or no grid at all
Germany Pulls Plug On Wind Energy
Germanys Energiewende - A Disaster In The Making
Germanys energy disaster, France-s success
Germanys green transition
Germanys many problems with solar and wind energy
Grassroots Rising Against Big Government Wind
Green delusions and the wind bully
Green energy dropping in developing world
Green Energy Fails Every Test
Green energy policies freeze out the poor
Green Killing Machines
Grid-Scale Storage for Wind and Solar
Here are the minerals we need for batteries, solar and other clean energy tech
Hey Americans save your birds
How many square kilometers of solar panels and battery backup in Spain to power Germany
How Solar Cells, Wind Turbines, And Electric Vehicle Batteries Are Made
If Renewables are so great
If Solar And Wind Are So Cheap, Why is Electricity More Expensive
If You Want ‘Renewable Energy,’ Get Ready to Dig
Industrial Wind Plants
Insanity and hypocrisy down under
Know why your fuel bills are soaring?
Less for More
Life in fossil fuel free utopia
Michigan Dems Big Foot The Locals
Monumental, unsustainable impacts of large scale wind energy
Myth - Solar and wind are helping save our grid from extreme heat
New York to pay 4 times the going rate for wind
Numbers for German offshore wind energy in 2021 to July 21
Offshore wind - revving up
Ökostrom für Bergisch Gladbach
Oxymoronic Wind, First Principles
People, conservation, wildlife versus wind industry
Power shortage, power surplus, milk lake and butter mountain
Problem with wind
Realitätscheck bei Desertec German Deutsch
Reform of Solar Energy Planning
Renewable Energy Is Suddenly Startlingly Cheap
Renewable energy problems in Germany
Renewable Fallacy and Why I Blame Jimmy Carter
Roadmap to Nowhere
Russian invasion of Ukraine explodes renewables myth
Sierra Club - Wind Energy
Sierra Club on Wind Energy
Solar mirror steam powered electric generating plant
Solar panels pollute a lot more than nuclear
Solar Power Too Cheap to Meter? Another Green Dream
Solars dirty secrets - How solar power hurts people and the planet
Solarstrom Schweiz
South Australia without wind turbine electricity again
Stanfords 100 percent renewables a roadmap to nowhere
Subverting U.S. energy policies
Sundays for Landschaft [landscape]
Surplus and storage of electricity from intermittent sources
Surviving "the Worst Evaaaah"
Sweden - Germany Wind
Taking wind out of climate change
The Giga and Terra Scam of Offshore Wind Energy
The great swindle of the wind turbine
The green delusion of electrical solar and wind
The impossibility of windmills
The power to X the solution - wind and solar
The reality of wind turbines in California
The Rube Goldberg nature of wind development
The Solar Energy Racket
The stampede of green lemmings
The Utter Complete Total Fraud of Wind Power
Top 10 biggest wind farms
Transition to Nowhere
Tremendous energy variation with wind speed
Twenty one bad things about wind energy and why
Twenty-Five Industrial Wind Energy Deceptions
Unreliability makes solar power impossibly expensive
Unresolved issues of wind and solar energy
US BLM proposes worlds biggest solar power project (boondogle)
Vogelkiller Windkraft
Von den klimazielen verabschieden
We can store excess renewable energy in an energy vault
Weaknesses of Solar and Wind, Myths and Questions
Whirling Triffids
Why wind power is useless
Wind and Solar - Not Really Renewable
Wind and Solar add zero value to the grid
Wind and solar are a tiny fraction of total global energy use
Wind and solar are most environmentally destructive
Wind and Solar as Energy Sources - Trivial, Now and For Decades to Come
Wind and solar can not save the planet
Wind and solar details without subsidies
Wind and solar energy in Germany
Wind and solar for generating electricity - not a solution
Wind Energy
Wind Energy in Germany
Wind energy least sustainable
Wind energy planning in Germany
Wind farms versus wildlife
Wind power - no wind, moderate wind, tempest
Wind turbine investment ends in financial disaster
Wind turbine photo of the year
Wind turbines are death machines for birds and bats
Wind turbines are killing birds
Wind turbines are neither clean nor green
Wind, solar, wood, dung
Wind, Sun, Sand - Vacations - Politics
Windkraft zerstoert das Land
Windräder, der falsche Traum von der Gratis-Energie
Wiping out fossil fuels would bring mass chaos, death
World wasting one trillion dollars per year on useless renewables
Worthless wind and solar - output collapses in freezing weather
XCEL Energy and Colorado Governor Jared Polis on wind and solar energy
Yet another bogus renewables versus coal cost study