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Wind and Solar add zero value to the grid

Jay Lehr
Some facts about wind, solar and nuclear from photo analysis. A nuclear power plant requires the least amount of land of all forms of generating electricity. It does not require daily deliveries of coal or natural gas that can be interrupted by extreme weather, earthquakes, or acts of terrorism. The condensate plume rising straight up shows that there is NO WIND. There is NO SOLAR ENERGY from dusk to dawn and on cloudy days. When wind and solar are working they are often variable. All facts that are terrible for a stable electrical network.

Jay Lehr, Ph.D. Science Contributor, CFACT: Why is wind power and solar power, not making significant gains in providing a substantial amount of renewable electricity? The US has utilized, in its energy mix, about eight percent of wind and two percent solar for more than a decade. The reason it is not growing requires an understanding of the fundamental elements, of an electrical grid.