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Nuclear Science
Peace Thru Development
Media Items
Nuclear Science
Peace Thru Development
Media Items
Man Made Global Warming
All Points of View
Considering Some Warming
The Skeptics
Sounding The Alarm
Agriculture and Food
Environmental Problems and Progress
History of Climate Change
Is CO2 A Pollutant?
Man Made Global Warming
Oceans, Rivers, Lakes
Urban Environments
Water Resource Management
Wild Fires
Wildlife, Biodiversity and Environment
1200 Scientists and Professionals Declare - There is No (man-made) Climate Emergency
1500 Years Of Heatwaves
18 spectacularly wrong predictions from 1970
2019 UN Climate Emergency Reminder About Hurricane Reality
2024 - Uli Weber - Religious Climate Madness
2nd exhibit refuting Dr. NG’s criticism of a review about man-made global warming
3 Strategies to Get to a Fossil-Free America
33 bullet points prove CO2 innocent of global warming
33 Bullet Points Proving Global Warming Is Caused By The Sun, Not CO2
46 Statements by IPCC Experts Against The IPCC
50 years of climate catastrophe predictions
50 Years of Climate Deception
50 years of Eco-pocalyptic predictions
50 years of failed ecopocalyptic predictions
50 Years of Man-Made Global Warming Fraud
97% of climate scientists agree is 100% wrong
A carbon dioxide debate
A Climate Crisis
A Cool Look at Global Warming
A Dearth of Carbon?
A Few Undisputable Facts About Climate
A hitchhikers guide through climate change
A serious climate opportunity
A Threat Greater Than Climate Change
About Climate Models - Garbage In, Garbage Out
About Global Warming
About those hottest days ever
Advice about CO2 and fossil fuels
Africa does not need Western Elites meaningless climate policies
Alarmists and the media predict catastrophic man-made global warming again in 2021
Alarms about climate are delusions
Alice in Wonderland science
Aliens Cause Global Warming - Environmentalism as Religion
Allow whims of alarmists to dictate policy - Then pay the price
Americans are the villians
An absurd 79 percent radiation is based upon an erroneous Stefan-Boltzmann constant
An Assessment Of The Conventional Global Warming Narrative
An Ecomodernist Manifesto
An errant environmental encyclical
An Inconvenient Sequel
Analysis of man-made global warming predictions
Andy May, petrophysicist - Ideas on Climate Change
Another endangered species
Another year. More dire warnings of man-made global warming
Antarctica is melting - or not
Antarctica is not rapidly melting
Anthropogene Treibhauseffekt - eine spektroskopische Geringfügigkeit
Anthropozaen faellt glatt durch
Any increase in CO2 is more than the world can afford
Apology for 30 years of global warming alarmism
Arctic Ocean almost totally ice-covered June 26, 2018
Are kids pawns in climate change debate
Are polar bears drowning
Around 1177 BC serious climate change altered history
Atmospheric and ocean warming
Atmospheric CO2 Levels and Ice Core Determinations of Same
Atmospheric CO2: Causes of Variability
Attacks by climate alarmists
Australia, Great Barrier Reef recovery
Back radiation vs CO2
Battle against global warming: pointless..
Battle for Climate Earth
Be grateful for global warming
Beware of EPA social cost of carbon models
Biden pushes green energy
Bidens climate agenda is failing because it is anti-nuclear
Bidens Summit on Climate
Big swings in weather - small swings in climate
Bill Gates and Joe Biden on climate change
Bill Nye AGW Alarmist versus Will Happer AGW Skeptic
Birth and growth of UN IPCC
Blunt Truth About Global Warming Models
Brainwashing our children - Comments by MK
Buerger gegen klima Katastrophen Verdummung
Californias puny 4-year drought
Can climate models predict climate change?
Can one ten thousandth of the atmosphere control the thermostat of the planet
Can We Double the CO2 Content of the Atmosphere
Can we meet global energy demands with nuclear power
Carbon capture does not work
Carbon cycle simply explained by an ecologist
CARBON DIOXIDE - The good news
Carbon dioxide and climate explained by Italian scientist
Carbon dioxide and energy policy
Carbon dioxide cools the Earth
Carbon dioxide falsely accused by another UN IPCC report - 2021
Carbon dioxide in perspective - video
Carbon dioxide is not primary cause of global warming
Carbon Dioxide Myth
Carbon Emissions Deception
Carbon is not carbon dioxide
Carbon Sense
Catastrophic man-made climate change is here. 2020 could be your last chance to stop it
Catholic Bishops urging world decarbonization
Cause of global warming remains unknown
CDG2024 Box 1 Summary
CDG2024 Ciccone, T - How the Sun warms the Earth, Part 1 Importance of Earth - Sun distance
CDG2024 Ciccone, T - The Greenhouse Effect Delusion
CDG2024 Ciccone, T - What Causes Climate Change? - Part I Trivialities of Human Greenhouse Effect
CDG2024 Ciccone, T - Where is global warmings missing heat coming from?
CDG2024 Ciccone, T - Why CO2 and greenhouse effects can not cause catastrophic global warming
CDG2024 Climate Discussion Group 2024 - Discussion Climate
CDG2024 Climate Discussion Group 2024 - Draft Final Report
CDG2024 Climate Discussion Group 2024 - Final Report - Climate
CDG2024 Climate Discussion Group 2024 - Final Report - Recommendations for Policy Makers
CDG2024 Climate Discussion Group 2024 - Home Page
CDG2024 Climate Discussion Group 2024 - Invitees, publications, countries
CDG2024 Climate Discussion Group 2024 - Main on WS
CDG2024 Climate Discussion Group 2024 - Participant select articles
CDG2024 Discussion C1
CDG2024 Discussion C2
CDG2024 Discussion C3
CDG2024 Discussion C4
CDG2024 Discussion C5
CDG2024 Discussion C6
CDG2024 Discussion C7
CDG2024 Discussion Group 2024 - Intro
CDG2024 Discussion P1
CDG2024 Discussion P2
CDG2024 Discussion P3
CDG2024 Discussion P4
CDG2024 Discussion P5
CDG2024 Discussion P6
CDG2024 Executive Summary
CDG2024 Fiori, W - Atmospheric Water Turnover - The Primary Driver of Global Warming
CDG2024 Fiori, W - Average Global Temperature and the 150MY Solar Cycle
CDG2024 Fiori, W - Biography
CDG2024 Fiori, W - The issue with CO2 as primary driver of Global Warming
CDG2024 Newsletter, Jan. 4, 2025
CDG2024 Newsletter, Nov. 16, 2024
CDG2024 Newsletter, Nov. 2, 2024
CDG2024 Newsletter, Nov. 23, 2024
CDG2024 Newsletter, Nov. 30, 2024
CDG2024 Newsletter, Nov. 9, 2024
CDG2024 Newsletter, Oct. 12, 2024
CDG2024 Newsletter, Oct. 19, 2024
CDG2024 Newsletter, Oct. 26, 2024
CDG2024 Newsletters
CDG2024 Organization documents
CDG2024 Radiation Transfer Concept versus Thermodynamics
CDG2024 Ratzer, G - Carbon Capture and Sequestration in Iceland
CDG2024 Ratzer, G - Climate, CO2 and Net Zero
CDG2024 Ratzer, G - Recommendations for Policy Makers
CDG2024 Ratzer, G - Solar radiation - albedo, scattering, absorption
CDG2024 Ratzer, G - Where is the missing 33 degree C of heat in the Atmosphere?
CDG2024 Recommendations for Policy Makers
CDG2024 Zharkova, V - Biography
CDG2024 Zharkova, V - Little Ice Age Has Started
Ceasing use of fossil fuels in Colorado
Changement climatique : de l’état d’urgence à l’état de catastrophe
Changes of attitude towards climate change and its causes as a result of the IPCC
Changing Ocean Chemistry and Sea Levels
China and Russia rejoice at America’s quest to go green
China Warming
Christiana Figueres Admits that global warming agenda is about destroying capitalism
Christopher Monckton - Franco Battaglia interview on climate
Climate - A current overview in plain English
Climate Activists Are not Joking - The Green Reich
Climate Activists Step Up Calls For Imprisioning Climate Realists
Climate adaptation, reparation and restoration
Climate alarmism by politicians, mainstream media, universities, UN, nuclear power organizations
Climate alarmism is still bizarre
Climate alarmist attacks
Climate alarmists use junk science to promote their agenda
Climate analysis with radiation or radiation and thermal aspects
Climate and Energy Conclusions by Realist Scientist in Obama Administration
Climate and Energy Policy
Climate at a Glance - 2021
Climate at a Glance - 2022
Climate catastrophe film by Leonardo DiCaprio
Climate Change - 2000
Climate Change - A fresh Perspective
Climate Change - Give Me A Break
Climate Change - How do we know - Position of NASA
Climate Change - The Alarmists versus Mother Nature
Climate change 250 million years from now
Climate Change and CO2 Not a Problem
Climate change and health
Climate change and political pollution
Climate Change and the Third Energy Revolution
Climate change compendium
Climate Change could kill thousands
Climate Change Critique
Climate change emperors have no clothes
Climate change facts: the science and impacts
Climate Change For the 21st Century
Climate change fueling disasters, disease in potentially irreverssible ways
Climate Change in a Nutshell
Climate Change in Perspective
Climate change in the Baltic region in the last 1000 years
Climate change in the UK (March 2018)
Climate change is about control, not the environment
Climate change is natural - Conclusions for energy
Climate change is no catastrophe
Climate change is normal and natural - can not be changed
Climate change is not the end of the world
Climate change is real
Climate Change Lies Exposed
Climate change or OMG event
Climate Change Reconsidered II - Fossil Fuels, Summary for Policy Makers
Climate change simple, serious, solvable
Climate Change Timeline - Fear Equals Funding
Climate Change Tutorial
Climate Change Will Not Kill the Grandkids – Having No Energy Will
Climate change witch hunts from 1500s to now
Climate Change, a Catholic Perspective
Climate change, energy, national security - video
Climate Change, The Role of the Sun
Climate Complexity
Climate Concepts
Climate Concepts - Abstract
Climate constraint equation
Climate Crisis Hottest Temps Ever
Climate crisis lecture to UN with photo essay of the beautiful real world
Climate Emergency Due to Global Warming Doomsday
Climate Emergency is a Myth - Nobel Laureat
Climate Emergency Tipping Points - Real or Not
Climate emergency? It is a lie!
Climate Extremes - 2023
Climate History
Climate Hysteria In The Dark Ages
Climate hysterics skyrocket
Climate Ideology Ignores Science, Threatens Humanity
Climate mitigation gap - the most effective indiviudal actions
Climate models for the layperson
Climate models of future warming
Climate of oppresion
Climate of the Past, Present and Future
Climate Physics 1 - Basics
Climate Physics 1 thru 10
Climate physics 10 - Absence of Stefan-Boltzmann
Climate Physics 2 - Greenhouse effect - subtraction
Climate Physics 3 - IPCC Inept Physics
Climate Physics 4 - Review of first three (Nos 2, 3, and 8)
Climate Physics 5 - Energy Constraint on Climate (and models)
Climate Physics 6 - Energy Constraint on Climate - graphical version
Climate Physics 7 - IPCC predictions for future climate
Climate Physics 8 - Temperature lapse rate with gain in elevation - Heat In Equals Heat Out
Climate Physics 9 - Feedback
Climate propaganda reaching tipping point
Climate protection is the most unsuccessful concept of the present
Climate related deaths for 100 years
Climate report to UN: Trump right, UN wrong
Climate Science and Climate Risk - A Primer
Climate science and technology - 100 slide compendium of recent talks
Climate Science for Policy Makers
Climate science has metastasized into shock-journalistic pseudoscience
Climate science is [NOT] settled
Climate science societies suffer mass delusion
Climate science violates the basic precepts of science
Climate scientists rebut 2016 warmest year
Climate tipping moved to 2020
Climate tipping point 400 ppm
Climate Transition, Fossil Fuels and Nuclear
Climate Ugliness of Generation Moronic
Climate Uncertainty Principle
Climate Wars and the damage to science
Climategate: Ten years later
CLINTEL - UN IPCC uses false science, rejects dialogue
CLINTEL 2024 Report - Memorium for Eduard Harinck
CLINTEL critique of climate science
CLINTEL Manifesto blasts climate scaremongering
CLINTEL message for all Climate Realist scientists and advocates
CLINTEL open letter (4) to UN Guterres on plans to stop climate change
CLINTEL Prague Conference 2024 - Communique 1
CLINTEL Prague Conference 2024 - Discussion 1 - "What do we know?"
CLINTEL Prague Conference 2024 - Discussion 2 - NN & KZ vs VZ
CLINTEL Prague Conference 2024 - Discussion 3 - NN & KZ vs CLINTEL
CLINTEL Prague Conference 2024 - Press Release 1
CLINTEL says "Dont fight nature, adapt to it"
Cloud cover is thermostat for Earth-s climate not CO2
CO2 - Climate Killer or Essence of Life
CO2 - The Greatest Scientific Scandal of Our Time
CO2 and ice ages
CO2 and temperature history for 600 million years - climate in 2021
CO2 and the driest places on Earth - video
CO2 atmospheric residence time
CO2 climate relationship
CO2 Coalition - Recommended website
CO2 Coalition 2021 - A great cause, a great team
CO2 Deficit
CO2 Has A Zero Net Effect
CO2 Increase in the Atmosphere
CO2 is a benefit rather than climate killer
CO2 Memorandum
CO2 Science - Recommended website
CO2, climate change, fossil fuels, and nuclear power
CO2: Separating Scientific Fact from Personal Opinion
Cold kills 10x more than hot
Collapse of German Government over green energy, climate change
Collection of infrared intensities to consider for global warming
Collection of stories about climate change alarmists
Coming of New Ice Age
Comment #1 to Bloomberg BNA about Nuclear Will Not Help Avoid Profound Climate Problem
Comment #2 to Bloomberg BNA about Nuclear Will Not Help Avoid Profound Climate Problem
Comment on UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Comments on Moncktons review of Clausers paper on Climate Change
Comments on South Pole warming 3x faster
Computer climate models
Concerns about National Academies of Sciences
Confessions of a Greenpeace drop out - video
Consensus and controversy - Debate on man made global warming
Consequences of being wrong on climate change
Contrary to Biden, no man-made climate crisis
Controlling global warming
COP15 - Climate Change - Ebb and Flow of the Tide
COP21 - Paris Climate Conference is likely to fail
COP21 a bold, historic agreement
COP21 is a fraud to fix predictions of CAGW
COP21 Non binding and toothless un-climate deal
COP21 preview - 2015
COP22 - la COP de l’action ?
COP22 - The Marrakech, Morocco Climate Summit
COP25 - Greta Thunberg
COP25 - Judith Curry comments
COP25 - Unrealistic Moderates versus Impossible Extremists
COP26 - Alarmists lament that we are still on the road to hell
COP26 - Another Failure For The Planet
COP26 - Carbon Imperialism
COP26 - CLINTEL to National Politicians and World Leaders
COP26 - Closer to avoiding climate chaos
COP26 - Consecutive cold years reveal climate lies
COP26 - Germany opposes nuclear power for everyone
COP26 - How Nuclear Power Can Help Tackle Climate Change
COP26 - Hubris of our political overlords
COP26 - Iceland
COP26 - Methane madness
COP26 - Scots shoveling snow before conference in in Glasgow
COP26 - UN IPCC at odds with 40 percent of the world
COP27 - Questionable leaders versus knowledgeable professionals on energy and climate change
COP28 - Another Pointless UN Climate Conference
COP28 - Combine Outrage With Optimism
COP28 - Could Have Largest Carbon Footprint In History Of The Event
COP28 - Flop
COP28 - Gets coal in its stocking
COP28 - Hypocricy is too feeble a word
COP28 - Its time for a climate exit
COP28 - King Charles supports Net Zero
COP28 - Net zero needs nuclear power
COP28 - Pope Francis calls for end to fossil fuels
COP28 - Showdown Between Alarmists and Pragmatists
COP28 - The world is facing hellish 3 deg C of climate heating
COP28 - There is no science behind demands for phase-out of fossil fuels
COP28 - Young people positive about nuclear energy
Correcting Misinformation on Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
Corruption of Climate Science Supported by Flawed Models
Cosmic ray theory of global warming
Count the molecules, count the photons. More CO2 makes almost no difference
Critique of Geological Society of London
Das Klima unter Generalverdacht
Dealing With Carbon and Climate Change Through Nuclear
Debunking The CO2 Climate Doomsday Scenario With Empirical Evidence
Declaration to the Vatican about man-made climate change
Dekarbonisierung der Welt: Ist der natuerliche CO2-Kreislauf wirklich "settled Science"?
Demystifying Climate, Weather and Climate Change
Denning - Hayden climate debate, Hayden closure
Denning - Hayden Climate Debate, Hayden presentation
Denning-Hayden Climate Debate, Denning Presentation
Denver heat wave produces record temperatures
Denver, Colorado, USA to go 100 percent renewable by 2030
Dependence on Earths thermal radiation
Der Klimawandel fuehrt zu Konflikten
Der menschengemachte Klimawandel ist eine naturreligion
Désastre de la croissance verte
Die Energiewende ein drohendes Desaster
Die MLO Keeling Kurve
Die Welt vor der Dekarbonisierung retten
Disaster of CO2 reduction policies
Discussing carbon dioxide from fossil fuels with alarmists
Discussion of man-made global warming induced catastrophic sea-level rise
Discussions of carbon dioxide and climate
Disgrace to the profession - Worlds Scientists On Michael Mann
Doctored data
Does CO2 or H2O dominate Earth’s temperature
Don’t Listen to Greta Thunberg
Donald Trump and Climate Deniers
Dont let fear mongers rob you!
Earth Day Predictions 1970
Earth has 9 years to avert worst consequences of climate crisis
Earth well outside safe operating space for humanity
Earth’s temperature for last 4000 years
Earths climate - photos of the world
Earths climate history - some examples
Easter Island climate myths
Eco apocalypse justifies carbon zero government mandate
Economic damage from climate change six time worse than thought
Ehrenrettung eines Molekuels
Eiszeitlicher Klimawandel
Eiszeitlicher Klimawandel Text
Elephant in the Room - CO2
Energy transition from the abyss
EPA - Climate Change Science (2024)
Ergänzungen zu Nachweisen übers Klima der Vergangenheit
Errors of the Greenhouse Theory
Estimates for man-made global warming and need for global decarbonization
Europe - False reverence for Greta Thunberg
Europe - False reverence for Greta Thunberg
European studies confirm sun dominates earth's climate
European Union Climate Change Plans
Europes unprecedented manmade floods
Evolution of thinking about man-made global warming
Exit from nuclear power, coal, raw materials
Expect global heating to blast past target
Experts in solar physics and climate science contradict the UN IPCC
Explanation of CO2, fossil fuels, nuclear power and climate change
Explanation of man-made CO2 for nuclear experts
Extreme environmentalists demand a sterile ocean
Extreme ocean warming
Extreme Weather 2020
Extremwetter in den letzten tausend Jahren
Factors affecting Earths temperature
Facts & simple graphics about climate change
Fake temperatures
Fakten zu Klimawandel und Energiewende
False Protagonism
Fascinating variations - Weather made (sort of) understandable - Part Two
Few challenges are more urgent than combating climate change
Fighting climate change skeptics in the pro nuclear community
Fighting climate change skeptics in the pro nuclear community - continued
First Ever US Special Presidential Envoy For Climate
Five percent chance of man made global warming catastrophe
Fixation on CO2 ignores real driver of temerature
Flood plains are for floods
Follow the money on man-made climate change
Folly of Climate Leadership
Forecasting climate change is a very complex process
Forgetting what climate crisis means - Extinction
Forsythia blooming in Hamburg
Fossil fuel industry - Get out of the way
Four priorities about unscientific claims of man-made climate change and energy
Four reasons alarmists are wrong on climate change
Fraud in graphs of climate change alarmists
Geoengineering test to limit global warming
Geologic evidence for how volcanoes have driven climate change throughout Earth history
Geological and astrophysical proof - It is the sun not CO2
Geologist proves global warming caused by sun not CO2
Get Ready For The 100 Year Long Climate Emergency
Ghastly future of mass extinction
Glaciers reveal tree stumps from a warmer time
Global Climatic Variation and Energy Use
Global Cooling
Global Cooling - A Bad Bet for Business
Global cooling starting 2030
Global mean temperature anomaly record
Global temperature strong correlation with sun last 1000 years
Global Warming - A Lie Aimed at Destroying Civilization
Global Warming - Under Sea Volcanoes
Global Warming and Climate Change Quotes
Global Warming and non-polluting fuels
Global Warming Despotism (Jay Ambrose) USofA
Global warming false alarm: the bad science behind the United Nations assertion about man-made CO2
Global warming fears based on an imaginary temperature
Global Warming Folly
Global Warming for the Two Cultures
Global warming in 2010 came from politics not mother nature
Global Warming is an Expensive Myth (Henry Burke) USofA
Global warming is not people’s most pressing concern
Global warming never about climate change
Global warming research
Global Warming Revisited
Global warming science anything but settled
Global Warming Skepticism for Dummies
Global Warming Skeptics (Henry Burke) USofA
Global Warming Standstill
Global Warming Targets 1.5 or 2.0 Celcius
GLOBAL WARMING, A case study in Groupthink
Global Warming, Causation, and Public Policy
Global Warming, Climate Change and MAGA
Global Warming, Climate Change at 33
Going Nuclear
Gordon Fulks responds to Bozos
Gore blames wildfire on global warming, arsonist charged
Gore can't save the global warming cult
Government and energy choices about CO2 from fossil fuels in 2021
Government report finds drastic impact of climate change on U.S.
Grant CO2 a Presidential Pardon
Green New Deal - Old Agenda 21
Green Policies Creating an Uncertain Future
Greenhouse Earth - thermodynamic analysis
Greenhouse gases can not physically cause observed global warming
Greenpeace sucht vergeblich nach dem Klimawandel
Greta Memes
Greta Thunberg condemns world leaders
Greta Thunberg preaches many of first Earth Days failed predictions
Greta Thunbergs climate crisis lecture to UN with photo essay of the beautiful real world
Greta Thunbergs day without fossil fuels - Part 1
Greta’s very corporate children’s crusade
Groupthink leads to dead end
H J Schellnhuber presentation on launch of Laudato si
Hansens Policies Are Shafting The Poor
Hansens predictions for 30 years
Happy Thanksgiving - Thorpe Watson
Harmonic Analysis of Worldwide Temperature Proxies for 2000 Years
Has Climate Consciousness Reached a Tipping Point
Healthy polar bears and thriving tigers
Heat Records Are Broken Around Globe as Earth Warms, Fast
Here come the climate lockdowns
High school students can understand climate change