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Nuclear Science
Peace Thru Development
Media Items
Nuclear Science
Peace Thru Development
Media Items
Multiple Types of Energy Europe
North America
South America
Articles on Contrepoints - 2014
Articles on Contrepoints - 2015
Articles on Contrepoints - 2016
Articles on Contrepoints - 2017
Articles on Contrepoints - 2018
Articles on Contrepoints - 2019
Ausstieg aus Kernenergie, Kohle, Grundstoff
Beginning of deindustrialization in Germany
Challenges for the Global and Swiss Energy Sector
Compendium for a sensible energy policy
Der Traum des Pharao als Rezept fuer die Loesung von Problemen bei der Energiewende
Die Energiewende ein drohendes Desaster
Eloge de l'abnégation
Energie dans le monde
Énergie. Après l’explosion de Nord Stream
Energy is the most important issue
Energy issues leave Europe seriously reliant on Russia
Energy problems in Europe - Let’s talk electricity
Energy utopias and engineering reality
Europe Is Descending Into Climate Lockdowns. Will America Blindly Follow Suit
European Leaders Cling to Green Fantasy as Citizens Suffer
Europes Rendezvous with Destiny
Exit from nuclear power, coal, raw materials - Germany
Experienced Engineers must take the lead in the Energy Transition
Full cost of electricity
General info on fossil fuel and nuclear energy
German and Swiss Green Energy Status
German energy transition will fail
German Power Prices Smash Record as Energy Panic Engulfs Europe
Germany builds huge thermos to help stave off cold next winter
How Europe Dithers
Il faut tenir compte du passé - Take the past into account
Is time up for nuclear power in Switzerland
Le marché de l’électricité européen est caduc - The European electricity market is obsolete
Les EnR vont elles tuer le nucléaire
Nuclear power and decarbonization
Overview of fossil fuels, nuclear power and natural background radiation
Rolls-Royce’s SMR Needs 10,000 Times Less Land Than Wind Energy
Security of Irelands electricity and natural gas systems
Sustainable energy without the hot air
The crisis of the European energy system
The disaster of the European energy policy
The looming nordic energy crisis
The Workable Alternative to Net Zero
The Worm in The Rose
What does Greta Thunberg allow herself?
Whoever believes it will be saved
Why EU did not include nuclear in plan to get off Russian gas
With Winter Coming, Europe Is Walking Off a Cliff